🏯ᴊᴀᴘᴀɴ ᴛʀɪᴘ🏯

Începe de la început

"It's very simple Chloé. I'm a supermodel." Kalianna says.

"And I'm a TikToker and a singer." Giselle adds on.

"We're both rich!" Kalianna says.

"And we paid for our own tickets with OUR own money. Get it now?" Giselle asked Chloé in a cheeky manner.

Chloé scoffs and stomps off.

Giselle shakes her head and follows after her as she's going in the direction she needs to go in.

"Come on Adrien," Kalianna grabs Adrien's hand, pulling him along to go after Chloé and Giselle.

However, a certain scarlet brunette couldn't let this happen. She rushed over and grabbed Adrien's other arm, stopping him from going with Kalianna. "Adrien!"

Adrien sighs and he turns to look at the Rossi girl. "What is it Lila?"

"You're going to first-class with Kalianna?" Lila asked, eyeing the noirette disapprovingly.

She just gave her a nasty look.

"Obviously Lila, Chloé and Giselle are going too." Adrien rolls his eyes.

The corner of Lila's mouth twitched and she tried to not let it from into a frown at Adrien's attitude.

"Weeell, could you take me with you?" She asked, biting her lip, trying to look flirty. "I accidentally left my first-class ticket at home and it just wouldn't be fair having to sit in economy when I could be sitting in first-class with you." She pokes his chest.

Adrien recoils from her touch, feeling uncomfortable. He opens his mouth to speak when Kalianna pulled him to her side.

"Really? That's the best you could come up with?" The De-Sinclair girl asked Lila sassily. "How sloppy. Let's go Adrien." She pulled him away.

Lila watches them leave with a displeased scowl.


Scene: Plane; First-Class.

A male host escorts Giselle, Chloé, Kalianna, and Adrien. "Have a nice flight kids." He gives them a polite smile.

Giselle, Kalianna, and Adrien thanked him while Chloé glared at him.

"Get out, we don't need you anymore." The Bourgeois girl demanded.

The host is taken aback by her hostility, but nevertheless, he exits.

"Ugh, finally," Chloé sits down.

"Do you always have to be so rude all the time?" Giselle glares at her.

Chloé ignores her and fetches a yellow eye mask from her purse, putting it on her eyes. "I'm gonna take a beauty nap, don't disturb me." She then reclines the chair, relaxing.

Giselle sucked her teeth and put her suitcase in an overhead bin before sitting down on a comfortable chair, looking out the window.

Kalianna and Adrien both looked at each other and smile. The latter puts his and Kalianna's suitcase in an overhead bin, making her thank him, and he said it was no problem. The two then sat down together.

"I can't wait to see Tokyo, father went there for fashion week, shame he never showed me any pictures though." Adrien says, looking out the window.

"You can take your own pictures when we get there, not see them off another person's phone." Kalianna said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Adrien smiles at her before looking out the window again.


The plane had landed within 11 hours, from day to night. Ms. Mendeleiev and Mr. Damocles led the class off the flying aircraft, then got on an empty Japan shuttle.

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