"Hey, Prongs," Remus says.

"Hey, Moony," James replies, sounding wistful.

"What's wrong, mate?" Remus asks, pulling out the spliff he's been waiting to smoke.

He lights it, taking a deep inhale before offering it to James. James looks at it wearily before relenting, taking a hit with a deep exhale.

"I kissed Reggie," James says.

Regulus chokes on the smoke in his throat. He coughs violently before looking at James with wide, bloodshot eyes.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"I kissed him. And then I flipped out and left him in the pub. I'm such a fucking idiot." James covers his eyes with his hands, shaking his head.

"Well, why did you kiss him? Do you like him?" Remus asks, calming down.

"I... I think about him constantly. And I dream about him. I don't think I've ever felt panic like I did when he came through the floo. He looked dead, Remus. And ever since I just have this need to protect him. But I don't know what I am, I don't know if I like guys. Regulus is the first one I've ever thought about like this." James says, his words warbled by his inebriation.

"I don't think you need to have it all figured out right now. If you like him, then do something about it. That's all that matters, James. Do what your heart tells you. But you should probably go talk to him about it because the last time I saw him, he was crying to Sirius, most likely over you." Remus says bluntly.

James closes his eyes tightly, his cheeks flushed. Remus passes him the spliff again, patting him on the back.

"Maybe wait till tomorrow though, yeah? Can't trust yourself in this state."

James nods in agreement, blowing the smoke into the air above him. He lays back, staring at the sky. With a tiny smile, he points up at the stars.

"There's Regulus." He says with a giddy laugh.

Remus follows suit, laying back and looking at the stars.

"He's a bright star." Remus comments.

"The brightest," James says dreamily.

"You really like him, huh?"

"Yes. But he's going to be mean to me again. And I was making so much progress!" James wails.

"Regulus is closed off. And I'm sure you hurt him a lot. But he's sensitive. You just need to make sure he knows how much he means to you. Tell him everything you're telling me. He'll forgive you sooner or later."

James sighs. He starts tracing the sky and Remus realizes that he's completely gone.

"Right. Let's get you to bed." He says, getting up to grab James.

They walk together into the house and James insists that he needs to sleep with Regulus. Remus manages to convince him that his bed is Regulus's, and James passes out in seconds. Remus rolls his eyes, climbing in next to him.


Sirius is severely hungover. He wakes to Regulus cuddling his side, emitting soft snores. Sirius smiles and gently pries him off, going to brush his teeth. James is pacing outside his door with a worried look on his face. Half of his hair is sticking up and his glasses are crooked.

"Prongs? Why are you pacing outside my door?"

"Is Reg in there?" James asks.

"Yes. Why?"

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