Surprise pt 2

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*small timeskip*
You're hunched over a toilet, puking your guts out. Olli comes in, holding a glass of water. He puts it down on the counter and gently grabs your hair, moving it away from your face so the vomit doesn't get to them. You raise your head to say something but instead vomit again.
The morning sickness sure can be a nuisance.
You end up dry heaving over the toilet, deciding that you're done being hunched over the toilet, you try to get up. But Olli has other ideas, he sweeps you up and carries you out of the bathroom. He goes down the hallway to your shared bedroom. Olli lays you down on the bed.
You sigh and plop your head onto the pillow.
"This morning sickness is horrible"
Olli kisses your head and gets up.
"I'm going to get the glass, be right back"
You nod, pulling the covers up to your chest. You put one hand on top of your belly. You haven't told anyone yet about your pregnancy. Not even the boys of Blind Channel know. But you are planning to tell them today when they are coming to visit. Then you can hear the doorbell ringing, you get up and go find Olli. But he's already at the door, opening it and letting the guys in. You hide in the corridor, peeking behind the corner at their interaction.
"Where's Y/N?"
"Honey, you can come out now!" Olli yells.
The guys have puzzled looks on their faces, you walk to them. They look at each other, then back at you and Olli.
"You're pregnant?"
They look shocked, but say congrats anyway.
"Thanks, don't just stand there, come on in"
They walk in and shed their shoes and jackets.
"So when did this happen?"
"Uh, a couple of months ago?"
" Yeah, but how in the hell you managed to keep this under wraps, I would be telling the whole world about this!" Joel says.
"We wanted you guys to know first, now we'll just have to tell our parents and then to the world"
"Alrighty then, what are you waiting for, go call your parents!" Niko says.
You nod with Olli.
"Make yourselves comfy, we'll be right back"
The guys scatter around your small flat, while you go to your bedroom to make the call.
You and Olli sit down on the bed, hitting the call button. It rings a couple of times and then your parents pick up.
"So we have something to tell you guys.."
"You're going to be grandparents" You say.
"We're going to be what?!"
"Grandparents" Olli says.
"That's wonderful, how far along are you?"
"Two and half months"
"Congratulations, but we have to go now, we have somewhere to be"
"Alright, bye"
You end the call, then nod at Olli, who yells at the guys to come in. They quite literally barge into the room, sitting behind you two at the bed.
"You ready?"
"Yep" You hear it coming from multiple mouths.
You start the live stream and soon the comment section is filled with different comments, some wondering why you are on the live stream and some wondering what is going on etc…
"Olli, why don't you start?" You ask.
He nods and says:
"We have something to tell you.."
Fans flood the comment section with comments. Everyone is asking if you and the guys are okay and others demand Olli to tell already.
Olli offers his hand to you, you grab it and he pulls you up. Joel goes to grab the phone and adjusts it, so the watchers can see you and Olli.
Olli turns you sideways and puts his hand on your belly.
Fans go absolutely nuts when they realize you're pregnant.
The comment section floods with questions again.
"So this happened.." Olli reads the questions and answers the basic questions like how far along are you and are you going to keep your pregnancy out of the social media etc…
"We may post some photos of Y/N every now and then but don't get your hopes up"
"But now we are going to end this live stream, so bye"
The fans say bye on the comments and then you press the end button.
"So, what now?"

To be continued...

A/N: part 3 will come as soon as I'll get it started and ready. I'll post it probably next year.

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