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Katie's POV

Hey there! I'm Katie. I'm looking for a caregiver! I live in Florida. I am 5,5, and 25 with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. I have my own little gear, so you won't need to get me any. Message me if you're interested! "And send! I finally got that message done!

I hope someone responds." If that wasn't introduction enough, I don't know what is. Oh, maybe I should've included what I do for work.

Hm, no, people don't think being self-employed is very stable. Jokes on them! My online shop is thriving! While I wait for a response, I should clean up around here.


Welp, that's about everything. I guess I could take a - *notification sound* Oh! Did someone respond to my post? "Hello, Katie! I'm a mommy looking for a little! I'd like to take up your offer, but first, let's get to know each other!"

Oh my goodness, she hasn't even told me her name, and she seems perfect!! "Of course! You could start since my listing already says a lot about me." I wonder if she's still here.

"Alright then! I'm Rena, I also live in Florida. I am 6,1, and 28 with curly black hair. I've got some questions for you. What do you do for work? How long have you been regressing? What ages do you regress to?"

6,1!?! How tall are her parents?!? There was no time to think about that, I got to answer her questions first. "I own an online shop, I've been regressing since I was 16, and I regress from 3yrs - 6m. I've got a good question for you. When can we meet up for coffee? ;)"

WHY MUST I BE SO CONFIDENT BEHIND A SCREEN?!? "Someone likes to play~. Of course, I would! Tomorrow at 1:00?" "See you there!" THAT WORKED? HOW DID THAT? WHY DID THAT? HUH?? Oof. All this stuff is making me a bit drowsy. A nap couldn't hurt.



Alarm Sounds* Huuh? How long was I asleep? IT'S 12?! OH SHIT! I gotta get ready! Okay, hoodie, sweatpants, tennis shoes, glasses, phone, and keys. I gotta go!! *car startup* *screech* Okay, as long as traffic is horrible, I'm gonna be fine.

+30 minutes lator+

Thank god I made it. Might as well find a seat. I'll just play on my phone in the meantime.

+15 minutes lator+

*Door chime*  She's so pretty! Oh, she sees me - "Hello there, Darling." My face feels hotter than a summer day. Oh my gosh, "H-hi." I sound so pathetic! Gosh, why is she even bothering to see me?

So many people are better than I am, and she settles for this? "You look pretty." OH, I SAID THAT OUT LOUD! "Aw, thank you, sugar. I'm flattered."
We talked about other stuff for some time until I finally got an age regression question out. "S- so, how long have you been a caregiver?"

"About 5 years. How often do you regress?" "Not too often... it's hard without someone being there to look over me." "I understand that. I have some more questions better asked in private. Could we go to your apartment?" S- sure! I'll text you the address."

+30 minutes lateor+

"Here's my apartment."Seems like you tidy up a lot." She noticed! "Yeah, I do." "Now for the other questions, are you diaper dependent?" I knew I went red because she chuckled after she saw my reaction.

"W- well, I've never regressed to the point where I'm fully mentally little s- so I wouldn't know." "Something else, what do you have as little gear?" "A p- pacifier and a plushie."

"That's it?" Oh boy. "Yeah."Well then, I have some shopping to do."No!" "What was that?" Her looming over me makes me so nervous.

"I- I mean t- that you shouldn't spend your money on me." "Why not?" "Because I'm not worth the trouble." "Well of course you are! You're sweet, kind, and cute!" She thinks I'm cute?

"O- oh well then, I guess you can if you want to."Could I come here again tomorrow at 3:00?"Okay!" " *Chuckle* Someone's excited. See you tomorrow, Darling!" "Bye! *mumbled* I love you." Crap. I caught feelings already!


Different kind of story different kind of writing. Actually, put time skips in this one, woah. Tell me if you like it! More chapters in the main book soon! Sayonara for now!

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