Alice headcanons !

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Hey, so the song in the last chapter is called shoot him down. I forgot to put that and that was my bad !! Anyway, I'm not a fan of long intros, so let's get right into it !

- Though Alice doesn't have the heavenly essence of an angel, she'll get pissed if you refer to her as anything other than your savior.

- Sadistic personality when it comes to others, soft and sweet when it comes to you, though sometimes her sadistic and psychopathic side shine through when she's angry.

- Petting her horns REALLY gets her in the mood. Seriously, she never permits you to get too close to her because she doesn't want to... you know... make an unexpected noise.

- This girl loves shopping with you. It's so genuinely amusing, spoiling her rotten with clothes and jewelry, then seeing her wear it and brag to all of her friends about you being able to meet her needs. In other words, it's relieving.

- Alice knows every inch of your body. Sometimes she'll kiss all of your weak spots just to get a reaction, but then you'll pet her horns and it'll be even.

- Believe it or not, Alice loves chocolate ! Once time, she stressed herself out to the extent that you literally had to force her to kiss you. That was the day she was introduced to chocolate. You quickly shoved it between her lips and giggled as her eyes rolled back.

"Is it good?" You asked her.

"M-mhm..." Alice hummed in reply, and you gifted her with another piece.

Chocolate has been her favorite since that day.

- Alice likes to hold your hand when she's anxious. It's unexpected, coming from her, but she gets nervous more than you'd think, and she needs your support... ;)

-Her being your girlfriend is more like a father/daughter relationship than a wife/husband's relationship at times.

-Sometimes she has little tantrums in public when you don't give her what she wants. It's cute but embarrassing at the same time. Also, she never says she loves you unless you give her something first.

- It took you a lot of begging for you to witness, but Twisted Alice sings and dances really well. Surprisingly well for a sour and sadistic Angel.

- Hearing her laugh audibly is a rare occurrence.  You've only cracked her up two or three times that way since you've known her, but trust me when I say it's worth it to make her happy.

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