1. kissable

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fuck, i cursed under my breath as i rushed towards the exit of my workplace, running as fast as my legs could take me.
today was the result's day of a certified asshole, aka my little brother and i had to be home before 6pm.
we would come to know today, if all his efforts during the past seven years would have paid off, if he would be ranked among the top in our poor country. all his nagging, his "but i have exams" privelege, him getting away with practically torturing me with his share of house chores.
it better be fucking worth it.., i thought.

ranking held quite an importance in our country for it determined the amount of resources and funds the government would provide to the students. only the top 5 students's tertiary education would be funded by the government.
sacred events call for sacred timing. so, it was a given that results of those eighteen-year-olds would be known at 5.53pm only.

i cursed again, looking at the figures on my watch. only five minutes? i could make it, though. after all, i chose this workplace for it was next doors to my house.
finally, i sighed as the entrance gate appeared in my line of sight. i was about to cross it, one leg already through the gate but a black converse made its way swiftly through the other side of the gate, where the rest of my body was.
i crossed the gate, fully exiting the Art Studio building, now making my way to where my relatives all gathered for the hopefully good news, unbothered by the woody fragrance of the cologne that touched my nostrils, screaming straight up 'expensive'.
that's what would've normally happened, for i had no interest in getting into a relationship right now.

but i found myself stopping in my tracks, raising my head up to look at the face of the man with whom i was squished in between the gate.
i subconsciously sighed. hot, i thought.

besides having a sharp jawline and honey brown eyes, he had dirty blonde locks so ever gently touching his eyebrows. my eyes travelled down to his body, getting a taste of his fashion sense. he sported a purplish blue plaided shirt, unbuttoned, so that his white tank top could be seen. despite the tank top being baggy, i could feel his abs. oh, how i wanted it to rain right now... should i just find a pool amd throw him in it?
i came out of my trance of not so subtly checking a stranger out once the 6ft tall man cleared his throat. i looked up to him again, my eyes landing on his lips this time. the thin pink flesh glistened under the orange rays of the sunset, looking sultry, almost enticing.
he suddenly bites his lips and my knees go weak at the sight.
what the fuck was happening.. i had somewhere i needed to be at, right now.  as i hold my red leather bag resting on my shoulders tighter, i was going to pass over the gate but the man besides had cast a magic spell upon me; i could not move, i did not dare to.
he looked just too fine... just too kissable.

the kiss we shared at the gate at 5:53Where stories live. Discover now