💛 two demons in love💛

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Sonic exe: I hate floating around in this void...all alone...

*exe stared into the darkness and saw a golden light, he squinted his eyes and realized it was getting closer*

Sonic exe: what the hell...?

Fleetway sonic: hello exe~!

Sonic exe: woah wait who are you? How do you know my name?? :/ (dude he's a stalker!)

Fleetway sonic: I'm fleetway sonic but you can just call me fleetway for short~! Also I've been watching you~!

Sonic exe: uhm...are you an enemy or...

Fleetway: nah, just wanna be with you~

Sonic exe: um...

Fleetway: *pulls him close* I think we make a great match~ (Ooo)

Sonic exe: *blush* I um...ok then (you want him don't you?)

Fleetway sonic: heh~ ;)

Sonic exe: *sigh* 'Why is this other demon clinging to me so hard?!'


Sonic exe: ugh fine...just don't be so loud! My head hurts T.T

Fleetway sonic: hehe, sorry

*awkward silence*

Fleetway sonic: let's escape!

Sonic exe: h-how?!

Fleetway sonic: I found a portal!

Sonic exe: what kind of portal?

Fleetway sonic: the human world!

Sonic exe: the human world? Seriously? Humans are annoying as hell!

Fleetway sonic: that's why I plot to destroy it~

Sonic exe: oh ok cool, lets go!

*fleetway takes exe to the portal, they go through it and all the spinning made exe puke*

Fleetway sonic: dude are you ok?!

Sonic exe: I'm not used to all that spinning...ugh my stomach...


Fleetway sonic: feel better?

Sonic exe: yeh, now lets kill humans! >:)

*they both destroy a city together*

Sonic exe: that was actually fun

Fleetway sonic: hell yeah it was~! *hugs exe*

Sonic exe: O.O 'is this what a hug feels like...? It feels...nice...'

Fleetway: wanna go scare some children?

Sonic exe: s-sure! 'He's so...nice to me...'

*they go scare some random children on the playground*

Sonic exe: so...what now?

Fleetway sonic: idk but....surprise hug~ *hugs him*

Sonic exe: *blushes* I um...ok...this is...nice...

Fleetway sonic: oop...it's nighttime now but eh I don't care, demons don't sleep!

Sonic exe *still blushing* y-yeah...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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💛two demons in love💛 - FleetexeWhere stories live. Discover now