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Izuku's life will be the same until the day of the sludge villain attack. He is kidnapped by Dr.Octopus

3rd person PoV

"Let me go!" Izuku said. "In due time child. I have something I want to give you whether you like it or not." Dr.Octopus said. He grabbed a vial of a weird green liquid and Injected it into Izuku. "With this I will have a loyal servant that will follow my every command. He will be almost unstoppable." Dr.Octopus said. Izuku then starts to transform breaking out of his restraints in the process. He turns into the lizard (He looks like the cover). "Yes! It worked! You will be my personal lackey and do what ever I say without question!" He said. "N-Never!" Izuku growled. He then lunged at Dr.Octopus and crashed into his main computer and activated the self destruct sequence and released any other experiments he had there. The whole place blew up and It was revealed that they were below an abandoned factory underground. Dr.Octopus got away and the only one found was the reptilian Izuku passed out

At the hospital Izuku PoV

"Huh....what smells funny?" I said waking up. "you are in the hospital kid. that smell would be the various chemicals and medicine we use here." a doctor said. "Oh my Baby! You are awake!" Mom said. "Hey you are awake. I am a detective and I came to hear about what happened to you inside of that factory." The detective said walking into the room. I tell him about my encounter with Dr.Octopus. "So he isn't just a myth. He wanted you to be his loyal servant and turned you into this, but it failed and you accidentally triggered the labs self destruct sequence?" he said. "Yesss." I said. "It would have worked if both your parents didn't have quirks. when you were transformed your recessive quirk genes turned dominant and gave a quirk. It lets you mimic the abilities of any reptile that you have come in contact with before. this new quirk eliminated the mind control part of the serum." the doctor said. "Really wow! I guess that I can now be a hero and make sure that Dr.Octopus doesn't do this to anyone else." I say. 

Back at school. 

People were looking at me weirdly and I can't blame them. last time they checked a giant lizard didn't go to their school. later that they the entire class realize that it is me. Kaachan was still as high strung as ever. "So besides the new appearance What else do you got nerd?!" kaachan said. "well.....I......Ooh!" I say before I see a gecko on the window. I walk over and stick my giant arm out of the window. "Hey! come here." I say as the gecko climbs onto my hand. My whole body glows for a second before fading away. I release the gecko and I show off my new ability to stick to walls like a gecko can. "I can copy the abilities of any reptile that I have touched before."

Chapter Over

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