Dead in the Water Pt 2

Start from the beginning

   "I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea," Andrea tried to explain. We had gone to her house to see if Lucas would give us another picture. 

    "We just want to talk to him, it would just be for a few minutes," I begged, needing more information. 

    "He won't say anything, so what good will it do?" Andrea questioned, not understanding that Lucas knew something. Sam spoke up.

    "Andrea, we think more people might get hurt," He said quietly. "We think something's happening out there." 

    Andrea shook her head. "My husband, the others, they just drowned. That's all." She stated.

    "If that's really what you believe, then we'll go, but if you think there's even a possibility  that something else is could be going on here," Dean asked, "Please let us talk to your son." 

    Andrea led us to Lucas's room, where he was coloring. We stopped at the door way. Dean turned to me. "Maybe you should talk this time," he offered. I was taken aback. 

    "Why me, he gave you the drawing last time?" I questioned quietly, not wanting to alert Lucas.

    "Ya, but you're better with this kind of thing, okay," Dean told me, " Please try for me." I sighed, before walking into the room.

    "Hey Lucas, mind if I come in?" I asked, before kneeling down beside him. "I see you're coloring again, not bad," I commented, leafing through a stack of drawings. "You know, you don't have to talk if you don't want to, just listen." Lucas didn't even look up at me. "We wanted to thank you for that last drawing, it really helped us," I spoke carefully. "But we need your help again." 

    I turned to Dean, mouthing for him to hand me the picture. He reached in his coat and gave it to me. I unfolded it and placed it in front of Lucas. "You knew to draw this house, did you know something bad was gonna happen, trying to warn us?" I questioned. Still, there was no reaction. "Maybe you could nod yes or no for me," I suggested, but got no nod.  I knew I had to dig a little deeper.

   "You're scared," I stated. "Look, I know how you feel". "I have gone through some tough things too, not as bad as what happened to your dad of course." "But I know how it feels, " I empathized with him. "How it feels to know something, a secret maybe, and feel like no one will listen." I sat closer to him. "Now, I don't know why you won't tell, but for me, I'm scared that someone else close to me will get hurt." I could feel my brothers staring at me. I've never told anyone this, ever. "I didn't know your dad, but I know that he would want you to tell someone, let someone know what this secret you have is, I know that there are people out there who want to know about me." Lucas turned his head up towards me. For a moment, I thought he might speak, but instead, he handed me another drawing. I took it from him.

     "Thanks Lucas," I said, standing up and heading out of his room. I quickly walked past my brothers, handing dean the drawing.

    "Your welcome, now let's go," I said, stopping only for a second.

    "Cheyenne, I..." Dean started to say, but I was already down the stairs. 

    We began to drive, as Sam looked over the drawing. It appeared to be a yellow house, with a boy and bike, next to a church. 

     "Andrea said the kid never drew like that before his dad died." Dean commented, looking over at the picture.

    Sam sighed. "There are cases going through a traumatic experience could make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, physic tendencies." He explained to us.

     "What if Lucas is tapping into it somehow," Dean stated, "It's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns, so if you got a better lead, please." 

   "Sounds like we got another house to find," I brought up. The boys looked back at me. I sat up and rested on the seat in between them.

     "There's about a thousand yellow two-stories in this county alone," Dean remarked. I looked at the drawing.

    "See this church," I pointed out. 

    "Ya, bet there's not a thousand of those around," Sam suggested. 

    "Oh, college boy thinks he's so smart," I joked, since Sam had finished my thought. We were quiet for a second, before Dean glanced back at me.

    "So Cheyenne, what you said to Lucas," He started and I rolled my eyes. "What did you mean by "tough things". "He asked, causing Sam to look at me as well. 

   "Dean I don't want to talk ab..." I started to say.

   "No more of that "I don't want to" crap," Dean snapped. "You've been acting weird since the wendigo when you wouldn't talk about the "things" dad did and now about tough things, so I want answers." He concluded. 

   "Wait, what "things" are you talking about during the wendigo hunt?" Sam questioned. I looked over at him.

   "Nothing, okay," I glared at Dean. "Both of you need to calm down, okay, nothing is wrong with me." I explained. 

   "Did dad say something or do something, I mean, I know that you don't want to find him, but.." Sam questioned. I hit him on the arm.

  "Really Sam?" I couldn't believe he would mention that. Dean pulled over and fully turned to look at me.

   "Hold up, you don't want find dad," Dean inquired. "Okay, now I know something is up, and you are gonna tell both of us what is wrong, now" Dean basically demanded. 

    "Nothing is wrong!" I screamed. The boys jumped at my reaction. I sighed, this was not helping my "I'm fine" case. "Look, I don't want to talk about it right now, okay, we have bigger things to worry about than me." I said, much quieter, as my eyes watered. Dean looked down at me.

    "Fine, but when we finish this case, we," He gestured between the three of us. "Are gonna have a discussion, got it." He stated, not taking his eyes from mine. 

    "Got it," I agreed. 

  We sat for a minute, before Dean pulled back onto the road and began to look for the mystery house.

    I sat back in my seat, and tried to wipe the tear that had ran down my cheek. 

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