I looked at the folded piece of paper and opened it.It was his number.Before leaving I had put it in my contacts and sent him a check mark to verify it was me.
All it said was read.Getting my headphones I shut the door and went for a walk.I was actually free for once.
I walked in the hallways down to the mini park that they had in the school.Listening to music the whole way down.Then your favorite song started to play.For once you were actually peaceful.
Then you heard someone behind you.It was Toko...again.

"Y-y-you, w-what r-rel-ationship do yo-u ha-ve with Byakuya!"She yelled

I sighed "Look I'm not sure if I'm aloud to say but I just advise you to stay away from him" I said looking down at her.

"Pfft HAHAHA-"She laughed
I was confused until I realized it wasn't Toko it was a different person, but in the same body as her.

"SO TELL ME OR ELSE!"she said while pulling sharp scissors.

"Like I said before I don't think I can say-"I said before she started to pin me again the wall.

"YOU LEFT ME NO OTHER OP-"She said before I kneed her in the stomach.
She had dropped down in pain, but all she did was laugh.

"Just Fuck off"I said before leaving her in the park.

I walked inside the school only to see some other students from other classes.
Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned around only to see a girl,it was Asahina.

"Hey Y/N!"She said happily

"Oh hey Asahina"I replied back

"I know you usually hangout with Byakuya but I just wanted to see if you would like to hangout with my friends, just to get to know you more of course!By the way just call me Hina!"She said

"Uhm, sure I'd actually like to hangout"I said while a small smile

"Great follow me!"Hina said while grabbing my wrist softly.

After a while she took me to the cafeteria.

"Everyone I got Y/N!!"Hina said happily jumping up and down

"Sit here!"Hina said

"Hi.. everyone"I said

They all said hello back.We had all hanged out I met Sakura, Sayaka, Celestia, and Chihiro.
They were all great people.

"Y/n during your free time you should definitely hangout with us more, or even we introduce you to the others!"Hina said talking fastly "Or, or like we should introduce you to the guys!"Hina kept rambling

"Hina!Calm down.Ilk do that if I have time but cool your jets plea-"I said getting interrupted by my notifications sound.

I pulled out my phone to see a text from Byakuya.

"I'm so sorry but I have to go,nice hanging out with you all!"I said happily

"Bye~"They all said

Then I quickly rushed towards the library.
That's all I read, I pulled out my phone to see the text once more.


"I need you to come to the library as fast as you can.It's important."

"I'm on my way" I texted back quickly going to the library

After a while I made it to the library.Of course I've never been in here so it looked completely different.

"Togami?"I said in a confused tone, not seeing him in sight

"Over here"He said standing on the right side of the library.

A sat in front of him while he had sat back down.

"What did you need?"I asked

"Toko, she's become a major problem.I want you to keep here away from me as long as possible.And I will see how much you've done"He said looking at his book

"I understand, was she also in here too?"
I questioned

"Sadly yes, I want that commoner to be as far as possible"He replied back

"I'll try my best Togami"I said standing up
"I'm going to the dorm cya"I said now walking out the door.

The hall's were empty.Resuming my music it was now 7:11p.m.
At the dorm I brought out the key and headed inside.It felt odd to share a room with Byakuya.
But anyways I unpacked a quarter of my stuff.
I tooken a shower and layed on my bed with sweat pants and a baggy shirt.
After a while I had gotten tired and fell asleep.

Next: Things to keep away

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