Where it all started

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-Mentions of abuse and Alcohol- and swearing
Y/n-Your name  
F/n- First Name
L/N- Last name
Author's Pov

You were in your room.Listening to music.
On your computer you were drawing/ doodling in your note book.
You waited and waited for a certain Letter to arrive.
Of course being a Martial Artist you were heard of almost all around the world.Which you didn't like much.
You were even know for being good with weapons too.Of course you had learned it privately from your instructor.Your Instructor felt like a brother to you.Always getting along and hanging out.Sure hanging out with an adult is dangerous but you actually trusted him.
Unlike your father.His routine being waking up, yelling, work, alcohol, yelling, and passing out while watching TV.
That's all he did.So you stayed in your room to avoid that monster.
When he was at work that's when you had time to get out of the house.Once he came back you had to be there.
You had to make sure you were there before him.So that's when you learned his whole work schedule.
Hearing the door slam open you slightly jumped from the loud noise.Only that being the front door.And you were surprised that he hadn't broken the door yet.
You caught your breath and slowly breathed out.Only to wait for your dad to open the door.
Only to hear a notification it was from Hope's Peak Academy! You had finally got in the school you dreamed of!
Then BANG! The door had swung open.

"Fucking pack up your bags.Pack up everything!Right now!"Your dad yelled.

Then a bottle had flew towards your head.
Quickly you had moved out of the way before getting hit.


"SHUT UP"Your dad yelled at you and grabbed your wrist hard.
"You don't EVER in my house tell me what to do!You understand!?"Your dad said in your face

You nodded your head then.He pushed you on the ground where the glass was.Your Right shoulder now being covered in bottle shards.
You stayed silent.Trying not to seem weak in from of your dad.
But all you could feel is the sting of the glass being in your skin.You started to get up slowly until he had kicked you back down.
Your dad turned the other way now facing the door.

"I sold you to someone.And it's the Togami's so hurry up bitch"He said before slamming the door.
Your pov

I got up slowler than last time.I felt like crying but I held it in.
'So I was sold huh, at least I get to leave this hell' That's what I thought.
Packing up my belongings like blankets, clothes, electronics, and other essentials that I needed.Then I looked in my drawer.A picture of my mom.
'I miss you so much' I said before putting the picture of her and me in the suitcase.
I looked around my room.Everything was empty.Until I felt stinging in my arm again.


Shit I have to have glass in my arm until I get there huh? I said and sighed.
Quickly getting my belongings I went to the living room.
It had reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.

"They are here, now go"Your dad said staring at you

You have him a nod before picking up my belongings and went out the front door.
Then there was a.... FANCY CAR?!?
I stood there shocked and there was a man opening the door.He had seemed poilet.

"Come in sir"The guy had said

"Thank you"I said before getting in the car

I sat there quietly.Not knowing what to do.For my whole life I've been in a hell hole.
Then the guy had came in and sat beside me.
We both sat in silence.

"Excuse me, is there a purpose of this?"I asked

"Well your father he had sold you to the Togami's, your purpose being to protect The son of the cooperation"The man said

"Well I had no clue, but thank you for telling me"I said

"Your welcome, Oh sorry to interrupt but your shoulder, your right shoulder"He said in consern

"Oh uhm you noticed huh"I said quietly

"Yes sir, what happened if you don't mind telling me"

"Well, my father attempted to hit me with an alcohol bottle and it shattered on the floor then he pushed me into the glass, and I didn't have time to take it out because he had told me late about this"I explained

"I'm so sorry, is there something I could do?" He asked politely

"Oh no, you're already being so kind you don't have to do anything"I said in a slight panic

"The least I could do is take out the shards before you meet him"He said

"Are you sure?You really don't have to!"I said again

"I insest, after all he does not like anything dirty"He said

"Hmm I guess you could, thank you"I said

"It's no problem"He said

After a while in the vehicle he took out all the glass pieces.And rapped up my shoulder.

"Is there anything I could do to repay you?"I said

"I believe not, but thank you"He said with a smile

"Oh it looks like we are here!"The guy said

I turned around to see the house.It was pretty.
Not just pretty it was magnificent!
It left you shocked.Once the car had stopped the kind man had gotten out of the car.

"You may come this way"He said to me

I nodded and headed out of the car.Never in my life I thought I would be here.

"Just follow me, you might get lost"He whispered the last part.

And I did, I followed right beside him.
He knocked the door and waited patiently.
After a minute the door had opened.

Next:  You meet the one and only

Guess what the 666th word was :D
It was Father.

Just got to love it

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