Chapter 1

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"GET IT SKEETS!" My mom screamed from the stands as my brother skated towards the goal. My dad sat from right in front of the rink next to Mr. Riley and Dean Buckley so he could get a better view of the game. And so if my brother did something stupid, he could coach him from the stands.

It was the first hockey game of the season and Tiffany and I just sat in the stands watching. Mainly because the boys on the team were our favorite parts of the sport.

Skeeter scored the puck into the goal and the crowd went cheering. The buzzer went indicating it was the end of the game. My brother scored the winning goal. This was a perfect way to start off my brother's senior year of high school.

My parents, I, and Tiffany met my brother outside the locker room.

"You played so well, Skeets!" Tiffany complimented while running up behind him. My just chuckled modestly.

"Where do you wanna go out for dinner, Skeeter?" My father asked.

"Well, a couple of us guys were gonna go to Olives and Peppers for dinner. Just a few of us. You know, just celebrating the seniors kinda thing." My brother explained.

"Oh that's alright," I mom said. "We can go out another time."

"No I think he should go out to dinner with us. Just for this night." My dad insisted.

"John, let him go with his friends."

"Les, he is always out with his friends. Don't you think he should start spending more time with his family?" My dad questioned my mother.

"Don't you think that he should be spending more time with his friends. He is a senior in high school. Once he graduates he most likely won't see the boys again." My mom fought. She turned to my brother. "Honey, go to Olives and Peppers with your boys. We will go out together another time."

My dad just gave in and walked away. Tiffany and I looked at each other with widened eyes.

"Mom, if you want me to I can come to dinner with you guys tonight. It's not a problem." Skeeter exclaimed.

"No, go out with your buddies. You'll have a great time."

"You sure?"


"Nixon, you coming?" A voice from behind us called out. Tiffany and I spun around and saw the Varsity player, Rick Riley. A junior.

My brother nodded and walked between Tiffany and I to catch up with Rick and his boys. Rick and I held a slight lingering glance before he turned away with my brother.

"What was that?" Tiffany asked me, with her arms crossed.

"What was what?"

"That? What was that? The thing you just did with Rick!"

"The thing I just did with Rick?"

"The stare, Bridget. You guys were totally locked in. Did I miss a chapter or something about you two?"

"What are you talking about, Tiff?" I snickered. "I mean, Rick and my brother have been friends since my brothers sophomore year. And our parents work within the same company. I mean, we are almost like family friends, you know that. The stare you are freaking out about is literally nothing." I walk away from her to catch up to my mom.

"I don't know, Bridge. I think he's into you."

"Your so funny." I laugh. "An upperclassmen. One of the most popular hockey players at Eden Hall. We are just friends. I mean, Rick would totally rather go out with a cheerleader like Mindy, or even Kristin Bandli. The skater who has olympic offers at the age of 16. There are way better options than me."

"Bridget, you are so cool though!"

"Oh yeah, theater and robotics. So sexy!" I state sarcastically.

"Well, you were a figure skater too. You know all the tips and tricks. You could've went pro if you weren't—"

"Don't say it," I stop her from finishing her sentence. "I'm still partially grieving."

"Sorry." Tiffany muttered.

"It's okay," I say. "One more year to go, right?"

"Think about it though, Bridge. You go out with him, you'll be like the coolest person in school. You'll bump up in status. You'll be like queen bee!"

"Why would I be that when Skeeter is already a queen bee at Eden Hall." I giggle.

"You can never have too many queen bees." Tiffany replied.

I smiled at her before getting into my parents care.

"Is Tiffany tagging along too?" My dad asked.

"Nah, she has practice tonight." I reply while buckling my seat belt.

That night, it was just us three. My mom, my dad, and I all sitting around the dinning room table. Eating our dinner silently. Most of the dinners were like this. It was usually very quiet when Skeeter wasn't home. When he was home for dinner, he would be talking up a storm to relieve the tension between my parents. But when he wasn't there, the tension would be all that you could feel.

"I have to do some work in my office." My dad said, getting up from the table with his plate and walking into the office. My mom didn't say anything. She just kept eating until her plate was left empty. As soon as she finished eating, she went straight to the kitchen to do the dishes. This left me alone, at the dining room table, with nothing but the sound of the furnace. I didn't feel that hungry anymore.

I walked into the kitchen with my plate.

"Just leave it on the counter, hun." My mother instructed me. And so I did. I could hear the frustration in her voice.

Walking towards the stairs, I looked in through the office doors which revealed my father on the phone, not touching his food. I just went to my room.

Later that night, I was sitting at my desk doing some homework when I saw my brothers car pull into the driveway. I heard him come in and was greeted by my parents down stairs before he came up to my room.

"Did you know about the dinner party tomorrow night?" He asked me.

I spun around in my chair.

"What dinner party?"

"I don't know. Some business dinner. Dad told me to tell you to dress nice."

"Yeah, I figured if it a dinner party I should dress nice."

"I'm just repeating what dad said." He shrugged. "The Riley's will be there so it shouldn't be that bad."

I nodded at him before he closed my door.

Eden // Rick RileyWhere stories live. Discover now