Sasha nodded, "I'll get it"

After a minute or two, she came back and pointed it at Marcy's forehead. After a moment it beeped. 


"Oh, that's higher than before..." Marcy murmured, looking at it.

Anne put her hand on Marcy's forehead again, and Marcy visibly relaxed. 

"Mng...your hands are cold."

"Oh, sorry-" She began to pull away, but Marcy grabbed her hands, placing them on the sides of her face. 

"No...feels good..."

Sasha smiled as Anne snickered. "Okay then."

"Do you have any medicine I can get you Mars?" Sasha asked.

"Mmm...there is some Advil in the bathroom cabinet..."

Sasha smiled, "I'll be back soon."

While Sasha was gone, Anne began to experiment. 

She began carefully caressing Marcy's cheek, making the girl sigh and close her eyes, leaning into Anne's touch.

She then slowly began scratching between her jawline and her neck. A weird rumbling noise rose in Marcy's throat as Anne did this, and the other girl's eyes widened.

"Ohmygosh, Mar Mar, you purr?!" 

Marcy's eyes opened and widened as she pulled away. 

"No! I don't know where you got that idea-" Anne resumed scratching Marcy's jawline, and the girl began to purr again. She clapped a hand over her mouth, but that didn't stop the purrs. They got louder as Anne moved her hand up, beginning to scratch behind her ears.

Anne chuckled, "You're literally a cat." She then moved her hands away as Sasha came in, holding a pill bottle as Marcy's purrs died down and stopped.

"Sash, you gotta see this." Anne was grinning like a goober. 

Sasha set the pill bottle down and Marcy began to move away from them. "Anne- don't you dare..."

Anne cupped Sasha's hands, bringing them to Marcy's face. One hand was behind her ear, the other near her jawline. Marcy felt her face heat up. 

"Okay, now just scratch," Anne instructed. 

Marcy made eye contact with Sasha, "You better not Waybright..."

Sasha looked confused but did as Anne said.

Marcy couldn't stop the purrs that rose in her throat, the rumbling filling the room.

A smile made its way onto Sasha's face. "Wait a second...You purr?!"

Marcy tried to pull away but couldn't, so she instead covered her face with her hands. "I hate you both."

The two girls laughed and Marcy brought her hands away from her face.

"Wait Sash, move your right hand down a little...mng.."

Marcy closed her eyes and leaned into Sasha's touch as she hit a sensitive spot.

Sasha and Anne looked at each other, grinning. They didn't know their friend could get any more adorable. 

"Okay, move your left hand up...mmh...a little more...mrr..."

Marcy began shaking from how nice it felt, but Anne and Sasha grew concerned at this.

"Mar Mar, do you want me to stop? You're shaking..." Sasha began to pull her hands away, but Marcy reached up to hold them in place. 

"'s real...n-nice...." Marcy's purrs grew louder as she spoke. 

She began to fall asleep, her body totally relaxed. 

Sasha and Anne chuckled, as the blonde continued scratching the other girl's face.

Marcy then slumped forward as she fell asleep, still purring and murmuring noises of satisfaction.

Sasha slowly leaned Marcy until her head was on her pillow. Anne pulled her covers up as Marcy began to softly snore. 

"I'll get a towel for her forehead," Anne murmured, leaving the room and then coming back after a moment with a cool, damp washcloth.

She placed it on Marcy's forehead, a few stray drops of water from it rolling down the side of her face.

"Your hands are better..." Marcy sleepily murmured. 

"Mar Mar, you're still purring, that proves you like it." 

"But that doesn't mean it's betterrrrrrrrrr..." She slurred. 

Anne chuckled, "Just rest for now Mar Mar, we'll be here when you wake up."

"Mmph..." Was all the other girl said as she sunk into her bed further, still continuing to purr. 




When Marcy woke up, it was 3:43 PM. She had been asleep for almost 3 hours because she had fallen asleep at 12:56

She slowly sat up, removing the washcloth from her head so it wouldn't fall and get the bed wet.

She sighed, suddenly feeling her mouth water up, and a sharp pain in her stomach. 

Anne and Sasha were nowhere to be seen as she hurried to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet, laying her head on the cool marble floor. 

She began shaking, jeez, she hadn't been this sick in a while.

There was a soft knock on the door, and Anne came in.  

She hurried to Marcy's side, who was barely conscious. 

"Oh, Mar Mar..." Anne slightly stroked Marcy's face before getting the thermometer. 

She pointed it at Marcy's forehead, and it beeped, showing the sick girl's temperature.


"That's a bit higher than last time..." Anne thought, placing the thermometer by the sink.

She gently scooped Marcy up, putting her back in her bed, getting no response from the smaller girl. 

She sighed, she and Sasha would have to leave soon. It was a school night, and it was about a two-hour flight to get here. They were leaving at 4:30 PM to get to the airport early. Their flight was at 6 PM.

She frowned. It pained her to see Marcy like this. The little girl was usually so hyper and so full of energy that it seemed wrong to see her just laying, sick and drowsy. With no console in her hands. 




When Anne and Sasha got back to LA, they wondered how Marcy was doing and hoped she would be doing better soon.

Little did they know, all was about to go downhill for their friend. 

(Ayyy cliffhangerrrr! Hope y'all like this chapter, I think it's one of the longest ones I've ever written!)

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