• Chapter 14 •

Start from the beginning

" I do vouch that this is not real painting Madame". You face them both.

"What?", her hands on her waist and the look on the man's face look puzzled.

" If the painting was indeed submerged in water then there should be signs of the damage of the painting but this painting has no signs of the damage by the water especially as it is exposed years ago. ". You stated.

The lady hummed and glance to the painting rethinking of what Y/n said. The elderly man look buffled that he couldn't believe what he just heard,
" how can you know you have not seen the painting yet, have you little girl", the man said.

"Yes but, whatever it is the painting it should have been showing signs of water exposure or not have found someone cleaning the painting with a high skill and technique". You place your right hand on your waist, proud at how much you learn back in your first year arts unit that you have thoaght you have forgotten.

"If this is what indeed you say then how come you knew about this?", the woman look to you with serious look as if she wants to uncover what hides.

"Well Madame, I am an art student and I have learning about this field, this are just some basics to know about canvas and paints".  You said trying not to slip from saying something like out of this world.

"Hmm.. I believe you do have a point. You may keep it sir. The one who you bought this from is surely rip you off. Have a great night and sorry for the troubles". The elderly man cursed under his breath and walk off with the painting that he grab by the hand. You happily walk away feeling accomplish from what you did and the woman look back to you in the distance with a smirk on her face and stop you before you got to far, " You did well. I never heard about an art student are you from Fontaine? ", she ask and Y/n head started to zone on the name 'fontaine'.

" I guess others do have ability to familiarize such basics, If it were I, I would recognize such scheme tactics if it is about marketing. I understand". She overlap when she sense Y/n's zoning at the conversation that she ask.

"It is no biggy, artist poor every effort and talent to every piece and such should be respected by not making anothet piece that deceive others, it is like a mockery and a copyright". You said with enthusiasm.

The woman was pretty impressed with your words but as the day going deeper both of you had to part as you should have yo go back to the place you were staying for the night. Y/n and the woman both bid their goodbye.
On her way out she saw a woman with long blue hair and a pretty silhouette next to Xiao. How come his here in Liyue... and who is she? Is that the secretary from the Qixing... It was not intentional but your heart sink at the sight of them, you decided to shrugged it off and walk to the other path not be seen in their path but you couldn't just look away.

What can I expect, someone as the secretary of Qixing is very fit beside him, they even look good together. You thought to yourself at a second you almost lost to the feeling of being 'jealous', jealous of something you dont even understand where it started.
Might be a friend jealously, I sometimes felt that when I'm with Heizou's ex-boyfriend.

" You did not just look the other way did you, right?". The raspy voice and a low tone behind you spoke. Your hand teach to your nape and slowly stroke to where the warm breath hit. "X-Xiao", you look back at him, his eyes reflecting the small light from the lamp and moonlight that hits the water of the pavilion. " you have many question to be answered y/n. You left the Inn without telling me, I was worried you got lost. And you walk the other way even you saw me on the way home". His eyes radiates pain and his hands shakes when he grab ur wrist.

" I did not mean to disturb you. And I did not sya i was coming to the harbor because I have not seen you last night, your are always out- and- about ". You sincerely said to him and even in the pavilion area where most people gather to have breaks or watch the koi's and lotus flower while others meet for business or small conversation it seems that the people did not even exiest and both were not concern to how affectionate you both give off out in public's eye.

" come with me". He grab you by the wrist and pull you to the corner the next thing y/n know is that they were teleported in another place, high up in a mountain.  So peaceful and only chirping of birds and wind can be heard while the small rustles give a subtle nostalgia of the time you open your eyes to this world.
When your turn around a warm lips landed to yours and hand that snakes to the small of your back while the other supported your shoulder. Xiao's scent where all over your nostrils and his amber gold eyes look to you so close, his lips kissing your lips so gentle as if he was scared of breaking a fragile glass.
Your knees turn weak and and could wobble and give up any time soon while your hand restrict the movement by how you were position you still use the ounces of your energy to call him back by tapping your hand to his back which eventually he let go giving you a air.

" Wait.. Why... Why did you--"

" I kissed you Y/n because that is what your are to me. You may have forgotten many things but I'm here, I will slowly tell you and bring back what status we hold to each other". He pulled you closer to him comfortably keeping you from falling.

"I am to you, *gasp* why tell me now ". You were shocked to his words and how he unveil a truth. You would never thoaght that he is a lover to this original owner's body because of the fact that Xiao was too cold and distant to Y/n so how could I know.

y/n x Xiao (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now