17 ( the end?)

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After they clean up, they went to wait backstage where the other performers were at

Announcer: Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for coming here to watch the performances and I hope you had fun today! Unfortunately, this event is coming to an end but we are now going to announce the winner of today's competition! We gathered all the results for all judges and drum roll please..... And the winner of today's competition is.... SEVENTEEN!

the members' jaws dropped.

They quickly went up on stage to receive a trophy. Scoups, Hoshi, and Woozi made some speeches and thanked the judge. The crowd cheered as they finished their speech.

They went backstage and celebrated

Hoshi: Woooo!! We work so hard and we finally achieved it!!
Seungcheol: I'm so proud of y'all! You guys did so well today!! You guys are improving a lot!
Everyone cheered and went to change their outfit

Seungkwan and Vernon walk to their dorm together and chat about their plans for this week.

Vernon: you look stunning
Seungkwan: heh really? (he blushed)
Vernon: yep. Now let's hurry up so we won't be late
Seungkwan: okayyy!

A few minutes later, they entered the empty bathroom
Seungkwan: wanna join me?
Vernon: haha suree

They went to the same stall and undressed. Seungkwan was facing the shower head and Vernon was behind him washing. Vernon suddenly back-hugged Seungkwan which startled him.

Vernon: I'm cold..
Seungkwan turn around and kissed him. They started to make out, from sloppy kisses to giving hickeys. After a while, they quickly clean themselves and got dressed.

They got ready and went out to meet the members
Shua: oh hey boo!
Boo: wassup! Where are we going to?
Shua: we going to walk around the mall first then we're heading to a bbq place to drink
Boo: oo okay

Seungcheol gathered all the members and count them before going to the mall

Seungcheol: alright guys let's go!

They split themselves into their unit groups and got into their car

The driver for each teams are:
Vocal- Joshua
Hip hop- wonwoo

They started driving off and arrive at their venue.

They decide to go on their ways and to meet them at the entrance of the mall at 7pm

Seungkwan and Vernon partnered up and they went shopping for clothes. They spent a few minutes in the clothing store but found nothing to buy so they decided to find a place to take pictures

They found a photo booth and went in

1 2 3 pose!

They took a few pictures

They pull out the strips of photo and laughed as they were teasing each other's poses

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They pull out the strips of photo and laughed as they were teasing each other's poses

Vernon: should we grab some snacks?
Seungkwan: mmm I want ice cream
Vernon: alright let's go

They were walking to the ice cream shop when Seungkwan suddenly hold Vernon's hand. Vernon looks at it and smiles, he swings his arms playfully.
Seungkwan: this feels like a date
Vernon: I know right, it's just us alone.
Seungkwan: I almost forgot that we have a date tomorrow
Vernon: yep, we're going to watch the fireworks for the New Year
Seungkwan: it feels weird that next year we're going to be Year 2. Well cause I just join the school but yeah
Vernon: yeah and it felt so fast for me. I guess I got caught up with studies and friends that I didn't realise the year was going to end. And I'm glad that I could move on to a New year with you
Seungkwan: stoppp you're going to make me cry
Vernon: haha okay okay. Let's eat some ice cream

They ordered ice cream and sat on a bench

Seungkwan: mmm it's so sweet
Vernon: what flavour did you pick?
Seungkwan shove a spoonful of ice cream into Vernon's mouth
Vernon: orange?
Seungkwan: yep! I love oranges so much that my friends call me tangerine or orange
Vernon: haha that's a cute nickname
Seungkwan: I mean I don't mind if you use it
Vernon: okay tangerine
Seungkwan looked away as he blushes

They continue to chat until it was almost 7pm. Everyone gathered and went to their cars

They reached the bbq place and went in. They ordered some meats to grill and beer to down it

Vernon sat beside Seungkwan and they began to grill the meats. Seungkwan blew out the meat that he just grilled and fed some to Vernon.
Seungkwan: is it good?
Vernon: mhm ( as he chews)

As the members were drinking their beers and eating, dokyeom secretly went out to buy a cake and came back. The staff was into the plan and they switch off the lights which startled the members and some customers. Dokyeom quickly lit the candles and went in. The members suddenly sang happy birthday to Joshua as it was his birthday.

The customers even sang along and Joshua was shy. After they sang, he made a wish and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered Joshua and clink their beers

As the night goes on, everyone was getting drunk, especially Hoshi. He gets drunk fast and was singing randomly. Everyone tried to stop him from getting too excited but no one could stop him. But suddenly as they were chatting, Hoshi pulled Woozi close to him and kiss his cheeks.

Everyone was surprised as they knew that Woozi was going to freak out on him. But to their surprise, he didn't kill him but just sat there and continue eating the meat. Everyone was laughing so much as they were talking about what just happened

After a while, it was 10pm. But thankfully it was the holidays so they don't have to worry about school. Jeonghan, Wonwoo, and The8 didn't drink that much beer so they were capable of driving the members back to their dorms

They arrive at their dorms and carefully carried the drunk members back.

The end.

Oh my goshhhh if you read till the end I just want to say thank you so much!!! I didn't expect anyone to read my stories as I write them for fun in my free time. But yeah I'm planning to write a bonus verkwan chapter tomorrow so yeah I hope you are doing great and all the best for next year!! ☺️🤩


𝘿𝙊𝙍𝙈-𝙈𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙎 - verkwan seventeenWhere stories live. Discover now