Minho giggled and laid chan back down, pushing himself on top of him and straddled the older. Chan knew better this time and kept his hands to the side, Minho smiled at the action and grabbed Chan's hands, placing them on his inner thighs. "I'm getting better Channie."

The older felt his face heat up, trying his very best to not get carried away, already feeling something rise in his pants. "T-that's great baby." Minho giggled and innocently bounced softly on Chan's lap, chan gasped and gently threw minho off his lap and on the bed. "I-I have to use the bathroom Min, go get breakfast baby I'll be out in a second." He said quickly before closing the door.

Minho frowned and looked at the door with a confused look, 'why did he leave so soon?' Minho shook his head and stood up, walking to the kitchen.

"Binnie hurry and wash up, we're having chili tonight!" Changbin sighed as he walked in, placing his keys on their holder. "Sorry mom I already had salad with a friend." Changbin's mom frowned. "Okay bunny but still sit with us." Changbin nodded and went to his room to clean up.

He grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom, closing the door and changing away from the mirror so he wouldn't see himself. He faced the mirror once he was done changing, turning to the side and looking at his physique. 'I need to work on abs more.' He thought before quickly using the bathroom and getting his stuff.

"I'm gonna go to the gym for a little bit sorry guys." Changbin said as he walked out of the house, leaving the seo family dumbfounded.

Changbin smiled as he returned to his favorite place other than his room, warming up with some arms. As he was warming up, his eyes scanned the room and saw someone with really baggy clothes on, wearing a face mask with his long hair in his face.

Changbin squinted his eyes as this person seemed familiar to him, almost blocking out that the boy couldn't get the bar all the way up and dropping it on his chest. "Woah- I got you dude." Changbin quickly ran over and lifted the bar so the boy could breath and placed it on the rack.

"Thanks man-" the boy stopped talking as he looked up to see changbin, the other freezing as well. "Oh my god, you're the guy that was at the cafe right? With seungmin?" Hyunjin chuckled nervously and pinned his hair up. "Yeah..it's hyunjin by the way."

Changbin smiled and bowed. "Changbin, I didn't know you worked out here." Hyunjin's eyes turned into smiles out of embarrassment. "Um yeah I'm just starting here, trying to get my mind off stuff." Changbin nodded in agreement. "I get that, hey if you need a spotter or just wanna work out together I'm here all the time so give me a call! You still have my number right?"

Hyunjin chuckled. "Uh yeah.. but your contact name is big bunny." Changbin mustered out a laugh, the word 'big' hitting him like a bunch a bricks. "Funny, just give me a call if you wanna." Changbin said as he was returning back to his weights. "Wait! Um could you spot me?"

"Nice job today! You're actually pretty good for a beginner." Hyunjin chuckled, walking towards the exit with changbin. "Thanks hyung.. um so are you like friends with the prince?" Changbin shook his head. "Not really. Anytime me and sung hang out with Chan, minho will always be there and of course sung tries to hug him but Min doesn't really like physical touch and he gets uncomfortable sometimes when we get too close to chan hyung. I'll only see minho if Chan hyung is with him."

Hyunjin nodded slowly. "Why are they so close? Aren't they just friends?" Changbin smirked slightly as he realized what was going on. "They've been friends for 10 years, and minho.. goes through a lot apparently, hyung said something like that but he doesn't tell me exactly what minho is going through. I guess the royal family is all what they seem off camera."

Hyunjin bit his bottom lip and nodded, thinking about the prince sitting in his mom's office, nervous and uncomfortable. A ring caught both boys off guard, changbin looked down and saw seungmin was calling him, hyunjin looked down and noticed too. "Oh- I didn't know you and seungmin were friends."

Changbin smiled widely and nodded. "Yeah, we're just getting to know each other.. I should probably take this, see you around hyunjin-ah!" Hyunjin waved goodbye and watched as changbin took the call and walked to his car, the younger making his way to his own car in silence.

"Seungminnie! Why did you invite just us over? Why not hyunjin?" Seungmin sat on their bed with a scared look, not going unnoticed by the others. "Seung what's wrong? Did something happen? Was it changbin?" Felix asked as the boys closed the door to Seungmin's room and sitting next to them on the bed.

Seungmin smiled lightly at the name of changbin, their smile fading and looking up with teary eyes. "No lix, changbin didn't do anything except help me.. um I wanted to talk to you guys about something, that I'm very very sensitive about and scared to tell you."

Jeongin held Seungmin's hand and leaned his chin on their shoulder. "You know you can talk to us about anything seungmin, we won't judge you one bit." Seungmin let tears fall down their face, felix cupped their face and wiped their tears with a worried look. "Seungmin you're scaring me puppy, please tell us my baby boy."

Seungmin coughed out a sob. "N-not a boy!!" They blurted out, covering their face with their hands on Felix's lap. The boys gave each other a confused look, still consoling their friend. "Can you please explain what you're trying to say puppy, we won't judge you I promise." Jeongin said softly as he ran his hands through Seungmin's hair.

"I-I'm not a boy.. w-wanna go by they/them." The boys opened their mouths in realization, lifting seungmin up to pull them into a hug. "Aww puppy you're non-binary?" Seungmin sniffled and nodded. "M' sorry if I'm w-weird now." Jeongin frowned and kissed seungmin on the cheek, making them giggle. "Puppy no one thinks you're weird, we love you okay?"

Seungmin nodded and pulled out of the hug, sitting on their hands. "So you told changbin hyung, and that's why you guys hung out the other day?" Seungmin smiled shyly and nodded. "Changbin hyung was the first person to ask me what my pronouns are." Felix smirked and made eye contact with jeongin. "Do you think changbin's cute?"

Seungmin's face beat red, slapping Felix's shoulder out of embarrassment. "Lixxie~" jeongin chuckled and squeezed Seungmin's hand. "Come on puppy I saw the way you were looking at him!" Seungmin giggled and looked down shyly. "Are you guys sure you're not weirded out by me?"

Felix ruffled the other's hair and kissed their forehead. "Of course we're not seungmin, we love you so much and will do anything to protect you." Seungmin smiled widely and felt tears rush to their eyes once more. "I-I love you guys too!"

The boys smiled and laid down with seungmin in the middle, cuddling each other in silence before jeongin spoke up.

"Now let's find a way for you and changbin hyung to get together." Seungmin and Felix laughed lightly, seungmin flushing red and pushing their head in jeongin's neck shyly.

Happy New Years guys!!

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