14. All I want

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"Hey, Cals. It's time I get a job." Brandon announces when he walks in the door, and I groan.

"No! I can't even go to school anymore, I'm so bored here by myself." I complain, and Brandon playfully rolls his eyes, throwing his backpack across the room.

"My little princess isn't enough for you?" He asks, frowning slightly. I give him a small smile, ignoring his puppy eyes. "See, mommy thinks you're boring."

I hit his arm slightly, "I'm right here! Besides, I didn't say that! Your father is a liar." I say to my stomach, and Brandon just chuckles, running a hand through his hair.

"Back to the job. I need to get one." He insists, biting his lip nervously. I'm about to say no again, but he's right. He does need to get a job. Stef and Lena aren't just going to give us money for the baby.

"Right now?" I ask, frowning at the idea. Brandon goes to school and brings me my homework. Stef goes to work. And I'm left alone.

"By the end of the month. You're almost five months, Cals. I can't just cuddle with you until the baby comes, and you know that," He says, giving me a smile as he sits down on the couch with me, and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Besides, there's only two weeks left of school. Then I'm all yours."

"Okay," I whisper, and I know he smiles. "But no more than three days a week."

"Okay, fine," He starts to stand up, and I stop him. He chuckles at my action, looking at me. "Cals, I'm just getting my backpack. I'll be right back."

There's a knock at the door, and both of us groan. Brandon gets up and answers it. "Hey, uh, Callie? It's for you." I look at him, and his eyes are clouded with worry. I don't say anything as I get up.

When I get to the door, Brandon takes a step away, making sure to put some space between us. Bill stands in front of me, and I internally groan. Something bad must've happened for Bill to feel like he has to come here.

"I heard your adoption wasn't finalized." He says nervously, clicking the pen in his hand. I can tell he wants to come in, but neither Brandon or I want that to happen.

You're four months late for that.

"Yeah, turns out Jude and I have a different birth father. We found him but he wants DNA samples to prove I'm his daughter." I'm surprised by how easily the lie comes out of my mouth, and Bill just nods.

"So you're gonna stay here. Good. Well, I- ugh, I better get going."

"Yeah, see you later," I say quickly, closing the door before he can say anything else. I look at Brandon, and he still looks worried. "It could've been worse, Brandon."

Brandon nods in agreement, before digging around in his backpack. I assume it's just my homework, but he smiles proudly when he pulls out flowers. "I stopped by the store to get something for moms, but I figured they be happier if I got you flowers instead." He explains when I give him a look of confusion.

"Oh. Thank you."

"I got you your favorite color," He says, laughing to himself. "I hope."

"You're color blind?" I ask, and Brandon just shrugs.

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter. Here, take the flowers."

"If our son is colorblind, I'm blaming you." Brandon just laughs again, rolling his eyes at my comment.

"I'm taking you out tonight," He announces, dropping his backpack on the floor. Before I can complain, he dives into argument. "No complaints. No excuses, because I know you don't have any. I'm taking you out tonight, just you and me."

For a split second, I think about complaining and ignore what he just said, but it gets stuck in my throat. I can see the desperate look in his eyes, and I know he probably needs this more than I do. He's just trying to be nice. I sigh. "Okay, fine."

"Really?" Brandon asks excitedly, smiling.

"One condition. There has to be peanut butter."


"Callie, please sit down with me," Brandon whines, and I just look at him, shaking my head. "Why not?" Brandon asks, looking up at me, and I sigh.

"I don't want to sit down." I tell him simply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Callie, I don't care if you're pregnant and people stare at us. Just sit down with me," Brandon tells me, shaking her head. "Please."

"Well, you should care. People are going to be judging u- me. And I'm not going to drag you into it." I tell him, and Brandon just groans.

"Come on! I brought peanut butter, like I promised. I also brought you some chocolate, I know you've been craving that." Brandon says, tugging on my hand. His green eyes lock with mine, and I give in, sitting down next to him. We don't say anything, and he refuses to let go of my hand once I do.

"You know, you have really small hands," He says quietly running his thumb across my knuckles. "Well, compared to mine at least." He chuckles, and I rest my head on his shoulder, watching as people walk by.

"Yeah, you can thank my mom."

"I wish I know your mom. You still love her," Brandon murmurs, and I can't tell if he intended to tell me this or that it just slipped from him, but either way, he sounds serious. "And I get that you miss her but I feel like it'll be better if you talk about her more."

"I have two moms at home, I don't need to talk about Colleen." I tell him with a shrug of my shoulders. Brandon frowns, but doesn't press the subject. I mean what I said. I have Stef and Lena at home who support me, so why should I keep chasing my past when I now have a future infront of me?

"Well," Brandon murmurs into my ear, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Do you want to go back home? You look tired."


"I don't care if somebody walks in on us," Brandon whispers in my ear, pulling me towards him. "Besides, I told everybody to make plans today and locked the door."

"A night to ourselves," I murmur, burying my face in his chest, enjoying the comfort he gives me. Ever since everybody found out, Stef and Lena have gone extreme with the rules, and he still manages to let them have a night to ourselves. "I think you've outdone yourself, Foster."

"It's just flower pedals! And candles, and dinner what's so bad about that?" Brandon says defensively, and I can't help but laugh.

"Nothing. I bet Mariana gave you the idea."

"Actually, I told her my plan and she helped me with it," Brandon informs me proudly, and I just roll my eyes. "There is a difference."

"Whatever you say, Foster," I say teasingly, and Brandon pretends to look hurt, and I grow serious. "Why'd you do this?"

The smile falls from his face, and I instantly regret asking him why he would do this. I couldn't just keep my mouth shut and aprreacitate what he's doing for me. His eyebrows knit together in confusion, "You don't like it?" Brandon asks quietly, almost sounding disappointed in himself.

"No, no," I say quickly, shaking my head. "It's not that at all! I love it, Brandon. I really do. I was just wondering why a girl like me."

"Callie," Brandon says quietly, forcing me to look at him. "How many times am I going to have to say that I don't care if you're pregnant? That I don't care if you think you're worthless because I think you're worth something. I don't care if you still want to get adopted. I'm just trying to spend my time with you before it's too late."

"But-" My thoughts die in my throat, and Brandon jumps into another explanation.

"All I want is time with you before it's too late. Can I get that?" Brandon asks, his eyes locking with mine. I can't bring myself to say anything, knowing that my voice will only make him doubt it, so I nod.

"Good. C'mere." He whispers, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing the top of my head. I bury my face in his chest, allowing myself to be comforted by him.

"I love you."


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