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' Not the red one...how much more stupid can you be Jungkook!! The golden one..put on the Golden one' Taehyung shook his head disappointed..munching on his pickled olives.

They were currently decorating the tree..or precisely Jimin and Jungkook were struggling to decorate the Christmas tree with Taehyung at their tail changing the color of the stars and balls by each passing minute..with Haya giggling beside Jin who was simply enjoying his pregnant brother's mood tantrums

' I swear to god if he was not pregnant I would have just made him pregnant again' Jungkook mumbled as he again changed the color

Jimin's eyes widened when the meaning of what Jungkook said settled in him as he slapped the other's hand ' Yaaa you pervert..this serves your right..now enjoy his tantrums' Jimin scoffed as he took a big star

' Haa you shorty.. you won't even reach till there' Jungkook started laughing seeing Jimin struggling to put the star at the top of the tree ' Jimin's height is ridiculously small' Jungkook's laughs died down when he was hit with a ball on his head

' The hell Tae?' Jungkook groaned rubbing his head

' Don't tease my Jiminie' Taehyung said pouting cutely making the rest of them coo

' Leave it Tae... this idiot always does this' Jimin rolled his eyes

' No..you will be punished' Taehyung looked at a shocked Jungkook ' Lift my Jiminie up so that he can put the star there'

' That's it?' Jungkook sighed but gulped when he saw Taehyung's glare ' Oh..okk I'll lift him..come here Chim'

' Serves you right you asshole' Jimin whispered when Jungkook lifted him up by his waist

' Don't forget that you are in my arms and I still can drop you' Jungkook said making Jimin gasp as he put the star

' Tae..your husband is threatening to drop me' Jimin complained

' He won't dare' Taehyung said sweetly making Jungkook to carefully put Jimin on his feet

Jin started laughing seeing the scared Jungkook ' Haya your dada is scared of your appa' Haya and Jimin started laughing but their happy moment was cut shot by a fuming Yoongi who just rushed in startling them all as he pushed Jimin against the wall holding him by his collar

Jimin visibly shuddered seeing the deadly glare in Yoongi's eyes as he said

' You love Jungkook?'

Namjoon and Hobi came running in....and saw everyone frozen at their place

' W-what?' Jimin frowned

' You were the fucking reason for my Tae's pain' Yoongi growled

' Hyung' Taehyung's eyes widened when he saw the guilty look on Hobi's face ' Leave him'

' Yoongi hyung leave' Jungkook tried to pry off Yoongi's hand from Jimin who was too pale by now..

But Yoongi didn't budge...he pushed back Jungkook harshly making him stumble

' Why are you back?' Yoongi's knuckles turned white due to the tight grip

' Yoongi leave' Jimin said trying to push Yoongi away but the elder just came closer

' Why should I do what you say huh?'

'Yoongi please'

' Tell me Jimin why are you here?'

' Yoo-'

' Just te-'

' Fucking leave me you are scaring the child!' Jimin yelled and the very next instant Yoongi's hands were off him..as his eyes were fixed on a whimpering Haya

All I want for Christmas is you|| Yoonmin||Where stories live. Discover now