A Heroine Is Born

394 11 5

Prompt: Super Hero

A Heroine Is Born!

"Today, the owner of one of the largest paper product factories in Konoha awoke to discover his building had been marked for retaliation by the notorious gang, the Akatsuki, following his stringent refusal to pay what he claims is 'a disgusting practice of extortion' masquerading as an offer for protection against rising crime in the area. A trend, he says, is a direct causation of the Akatsuki's nefarious activities in the neighborhood."

Hinata frowned as she tightened a tiny screw inside the small device on her work table.

Like deja vu every single hour, every since the Akatsuki blew into town, their now hated name and violent exploits were a familiar soundtrack stuck on repeat no matter what news channel she turned on.

"In other news, dangerous inmate Danzo Shimura has been apprehended and is on his way back to incarceration following his explosive escape from maximum security prison, along with his co-conspirators, two months ago. He and those in his inner circle were brought to justice by none other than Konoha's beloved, Foxman."

Setting down the high-tech gadget she'd been tinkering with, Hinata tuned into the broadcast.

Bright lilac orbs wide, twinkling a near childlike anticipation, she waited with hitched breath for a glimpse of the shinning superhero that filled her with hope, aspiration and optimism...

Rose petal pink touched her cheeks.

A man that often graced her womanly fantasies.

"We no go live in town square, where journalist Ino Yamanaka is set to interview the busy hero. Ino?"

The screen transitioned, and a young blonde woman stood next to her idea of perfection.

He was tall and dashing.

Dimming the afternoon sun with his inner vibrancy, his bulked frame fairly sucking the breath from her lungs.

The top section of his handsome face was obscured by a black half mask that left his strong, masculine cut jaw, sculpted kissable lips and attractive whiskered cheeks bare to the world. Deep inside the mask's sockets, his oceanic baby blues shinned brightly, their sharp intensity pinning her in place and wiping every coherent thought from her mind.

His towering form was encased inside a suit she was sure had been painted over his corded muscle and rippling strength. It clung to him like a second skin, outlining his granite physic in a way that left her hot, bothered and breathless.

Worse, his uniform's design was absolutely eye catching.

Pitch black onyx on golden-orange.

The lower half was solid black with pencil thin neon golden-orange lines that traced sharp edged geometric pattern down his narrow hips to his inner thighs, along the sides of his calves before tucking into equally golden boots.

A wide dark gray belt hugged his tapered waist, extenuating that tantalizing v-shape of his toned form, the buckle matching his bright footwear.

The top portion was by far her favorite part.

From groin to the middle of the prominent bulges of his pecs, the material was a lighter shade of black, a delicious swath of fitted fabric that was cut in a sort of T-shape, emphasizing every mouth watering ridge of his abdominals, leaving his obliques painted that vibrant neon golden-orange. From the mid-line of his pectorals and up, the onyx returned, encasing his shoulders, biceps, and a tiny bit of his forearms, disappearing into his dark gloves. Mirroring his pants, those thin lines traced the strength of his arms, falling from the juncture of each shoulder into a thick whirlpool in the middle of his chest.

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