Chapter 8 - Calling "Brother"

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That would make him look calm at all. "...In the heavy rain in the middle of the night, my father stopped a taxi on the street. I lay on his back uncomfortably and saw so much gray hair on his head..." He was facing Lu Rong, and Lu Rong could be seen leaving half of the small desk.

He won't go, and his self-esteem, which was poked by dog holes and popsicles, has not recovered. What's more, the writing is crooked, which is nothing to him at all.

The two children ignored each other until the sun set and the adults came back. This time, only Shen Yan followed Caiye. The driver and other staff returned to the construction site. Shen Yan came to pick up Shen Jize, and naturally stayed here for dinner.

"How are you two getting along this afternoon?" Shen Yan asked Lu Rong and Shen Jize with a smile at the dinner table.

The two children didn't answer, they just buried their heads in the rice planing, Lu Rong sandwiched a piece of pork ribs and quietly handed it to the big yellow dog under the table.

The big yellow dog was holding the ribs and hurriedly ran to the kennel in the corner of the courtyard to chew.

Cai Ye put two white porcelain cups on the table, holding a glass jar full of light brown liquid, and filling the cups. "This is my own plum wine, the degree is very low, and it is drunk as sugar water."He said to Shen Yan.

He snapped off Lu Rong's secretly stretched hand again: "Don't drink, kids."

Lu Rong touched the back of his hand, but he didn't care, and went to look at the glass of wine with dripping eyes.

"How much is this wine?Shen Yan smacked, "It's good to drink this in summer, it's sweet and sour, and the degree is not high.""

Cai Ye said, "I don't know how much it is, it's probably about the same as beer." Lu Rong stretched out a pair of chopsticks from Caiye's armpits, dipped it in his wine glass, and put it in his mouth to suck it tastefully.

Shen Yan saw it interestingly and said to Caiye: "Beer is not considered wine, so just give Rongrong a sip."

"My plum wine is hidden everywhere, and it can only be placed on the roof beam, otherwise he will find it and steal it." Cai Ye shook his head helplessly.

Shen Jize ate expressionlessly, in fact, he was amazed in his heart.It was the first time he met a child who loved to drink. He was a little awe-inspiring and a little unconvinced.

So he glanced at Lu Rong deeply several times. Cai Ye took out two more white porcelain cups, placed them in front of Lu Rong and Shen Jize, and poured one cup each. "Ozawa has a drink too?"Cai Ye asked Shen Yan. Shen Yan patted Shen Jize on the shoulder and said proudly: "Drink, your brother can drink it, and you can drink it too. It's okay, just like beer."

Shen Jize didn't want to say in front of Lu Rong that he hadn't drunk any beer, so he looked at the wine in front of him in a daze.

I saw that Lu Rong on the opposite side had already held up the wine glass, pursed his mouth and drank carefully, and then squinted contentedly, his black eyelashes trembling slightly like a row of small fans, and he looked very happy.

So he also picked up the wine and took a sip.

The entrance of the drink is indeed sour and sweet, with a fragrance of plums, like sour plum soup. But there is a bitter taste of wine mixed in the middle, which is a bit strange and not good to drink.

As soon as Shen Jize wanted to stop drinking, he saw Lu Rong still holding the wine glass, staring at him through the upper edge of the wine glass with two round eyes, secretly observing.

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