all eyes on me.

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You had finally found a comfortable spot on the couch in the Gryffindor Common Room to read your book. You sat next to Hermione, whose feet were in your lap. The fire was crackling, warming the room up. The both of you were enjoying a night of rest in silence. You had a rough day, having been hit by a bludger twice during the Gryffindor/Ravenclaw match today. The excitement of the Triwizard Tournament hadn't stopped the Quidditch matches from occurring, it only encouraged them. In fact, you had become considerably close with Viktor Krum, talking all you could about Quidditch with him.

The day wasn't all too bad since the game ended in a win with you scoring 70 points. It was your fourth year as Chaser on the team with Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson who, yes, also happened to be your best friends. The three of you had a connection like no other, able to read what move the other was going to make beforehand which made you an unstoppable team. Due to this very fact, you had led the Gryffindor Quidditch team to victory last year and planned to do the same this year as Captain in your fifth year at Hogwarts.

You love Quidditch. Love it. If your nose wasn't buried in some book, you would either be going through agility drills or practicing your throws. In fact, you had gotten so good in your fourth year that the national English team was waiting for you to finish school so that you could play for them.

You were determined to overthrow the dumb jock stereotype which was why you spent so much time reading. You were the smartest in her year, rivaling Hermione's knowledge. This made the two of you extremely good friends. You met one day when you were both in the library during the weekend. You were in your third year, Hermione in her second. You were finishing up a Potions essay when you ran out of ink. The library was half empty since everyone was off doing something else. Except for her. The girl with the soft curls that went on for days. You had approached her in a frantic tizzy, asking her if she had any spare ink. And of course, Hermione did. The day would then end with the two of you joking and sitting side-by-side in the library, getting shushed by the librarian every ten minutes. Since then, you have never spent a day outside of each other's company.

You both felt something growing between the two of you, something more than a friendship. But the two of you brushed it off, chalking it up to what best friends were supposed to feel. So you both ignored it as it grew. Choosing instead to call each other friends even though you were more physical with each other than best friends were supposed to be.

You were already friends with Harry when you met Hermione. You were the daughter of the infamous Sirius Black and ex-professor Remus Lupin. In fact, the trio had helped you rescue your father during your fourth year. You had been friends with them ever since.

You concentrated on your book, your nerves began reviving up as you got to the most exciting portion of the book. Just as you were about to flip the page, Angelina burst into the room.

"Y/N!" She said panting.

"What?" You asked, not taking your attention off of the book.

"You have to come down. There's something you need to see," Angelina said, slowly beginning to catch her breath.

"I'm in the middle of something, Ang."

"Y/N Hope Remus-Black, as your best friend, I am telling you to put your book down and come over. Right now."

Angelina's change in tone finally got you to put your book down. Your excitement from the book slowly began to be replaced by anxiety and a touch of fear. Hermione put her book down too, following you out of the Common Room, grabbing your arm in the process.

"What's going on?" She asked.

You shrugged, unsure.

You and Hermione followed Angelina out of the Common Room where you were greeted by none other than Fleur Delacour holding a massive bouquet of flowers and a gathering of 30 people, most of whom were either your friends or Gryffindors.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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