Chapter 5: The Call to Duty

Start from the beginning

Ethan shrugged his shoulders "I just wanted to learn as much as I could as quickly as possible, he said. "I just thought I worked harder than everyone else."

Agent Taylor chuckled, her voice light and airy. "Of course, hard work is always a factor. But it seems that you have some extra help from your nanobots as well." She paused, her piercing blue eyes narrowed in thought as she carefully chose her words. "Unfortunately, this also means that you rely on the virtual reality more than most people to keep your mind and body functioning properly. I fear that if you were to leave the virtual world for an extended period of time, you would not survive."

Ethan's eyes narrowed in confusion as he looked at Agent Taylor. "I don't understand," he said, his voice laced with skepticism. "What do you mean by 'rely on the virtual reality'? I've never heard of anyone being unable to leave the virtual world because they learned too fast."

Agent Taylor paused for a moment, as if choosing her words carefully before continuing. "The nanobots in your body are what keep your mind and body together," she explained, her voice calm and measured. "They work at many times the efficiency of normal nanobots, which is why you need to be connected to the virtual reality to survive. The virtual reality is essentially a neuro network created by the collective of all the nanobots in the world, and it keeps your mind and body working properly."

Ethan's brow furrowed as he tried to wrap his head around the concept. "But I don't remember reading any such caseshappening before," he said, his voice laced with doubt. "I have extensive medical knowledge, and I've never heard of anything like this."

Agent Taylor gave him a sympathetic look. "I understand your skepticism, Ethan," she said. "But I assure you, this is the truth. Your nanobots are what make your incredible learning speed possible, but they also require the virtual reality to function properly. Without it, your body would start to break down. At the rate they're functioning in your body, you'll become sick if you even leave the virtual reality for more than 12 hours."

Ethan was completely dejected as he listened to Agent Taylor's words. "So you're telling me that I'm going to die?" he asked, his voice filled with despair.

Agent Taylor shook her head. "It's too soon to be depressed, Ethan. You'll still be able to enjoy a normal lifespan, and even have superhuman abilities in the virtual world. Your evolved nanobots are actually a blessing in disguise."

Ethan frowned, not understanding. "How is being reliant on the virtual world a blessing?" he asked.

"Because it allows you to participate in a special training program that most people wouldn't qualify for," Agent Taylor explained. "And once you complete this training, you'll be able to protect the virtual world and keep it safe from the Revolvissaries. You'll have the opportunity to make a real difference, Ethan."

Ethan looked at Agent Taylor quizzically. "Do you want me be an Enforcer?" he asked.

Agent Taylor shook her head. "One cannot simply 'be' an Enforcer," she said cryptically. "There is a process of metamorphosis involved as well. However, you do have the potential, and completing the training will give you a chance to be selected for the process."

Ethan nodded, a look of comprehension crossing his face as he absorbed Agent Taylor's words. "I understand," he said pensively, taking a moment to consider the implications of her offer. "I'll need to give it some thought. But if I may ask, what if I decide it's not for me?"

Agent Taylor chuckled, a mischievous glint in her piercing blue eyes. "Well, participating in the training would also give you official access to use government resources, including experimenting with nanobots. And who knows, you might even discover something about yourself that you never knew before." She paused, a sly smile playing across her lips. "Of course, if you decline, there's always the risk that your boss may find out about your little side project."

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