Chapter one - 1940

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It's currently 1940, 2 years before Steve Rogers becomes Captain America. The Summer soldier has been given a mission to Stop Steve Rogers from becoming Captain America, She had 3 choices: Kill Steve Rogers, Kill Howard Stark, or force Howard to work with Hydra instead. Well she knew she couldn't Kill Howard cause if she did she wouldn't be alive, even though she is mind wiped and mind controlled she still has some of her memories because she is Pearl. Hydra has always had trouble with Pearl Breaking free from her mind control A LOT because some of her powers come from the mind stone which gives her abilities to mind control others and break free of any type of mind control other people put her under(if that makes any sense).

Hydra had sent her out to try and fit in so she could follow Steve Rogers. Pearl had been following him for around 2 weeks he was always with someone, she heard his name was James Buchanan Barnes but he went By Bucky Barnes. The odd part about Bucky is that Pearl recognized him , but she could figure out where she recognized him from . One day she was sitting at the bar that Steve and Bucky went to almost every day, later that night Bucky had walked upped to her and said "Hi" Pearl said "Hi" back and all of her memories had came back and that was the moment she realized that he was The Winter Soldier, AKA The Summer Solider's Partner and Pearls first love. 

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