Chapter 20

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[A girl in a school uniform and long black hair came to the classroom and saw her mutilated desk and textbooks scattered all over the place.

She seemed angry, looking around for half a day, trying to find out who did all of this.

But everyone in the class looked at her with a touch of ridicule, shuddering and upsetting the mood.

As a result, the girl didn't speak, and no emotions could be seen in her black eyes, but she silently picked up her things and reorganized her desk.

The scene changed the next moment.

The girl with long black hair was rinsing the mop in the sink beside the playground, as if on duty. Several students passing by pushed her down hard, and the girl fell into the sink and was soaked.

She hugged herself with her hands helplessly, her wet clothes bringing a chill to her skin.

Everyone around was laughing at her.

"Aghhhhhh!" She, overly stimulated, rushed to the leading girl and fiercely knocked her to the ground.

A girl with pigtails stood aside and watched the scene, trying to come forward to help the poor girl, but found that her hands passed through the other person’s body.

It turned out that this was all just an illusion.

She wanted to wake up from this nightmare, but the next moment she found out that she had become the girl with long black hair, and the scene changed once again.

In a dark room, all kinds of frightening torture devices were placed by the walls.

A faceless, middle-aged woman came towards her.

"Why are you so disobedient? I said cats are not allowed at home!" The middle-aged woman held a deathly, miserable-looking black cat in her left hand and picked up a boning knife in the other.

"A bad girl must be punished!"

"Don't! No! Ahhhh! !! !!


Zhou Yu returned to his own class after giving some warnings to the students of Year 1, Class 3, feeling very down.

Even if the sinners were brought to justice, Feng Xing still couldn't return.

Tomorrow, he was going to plan the next action.

With the power of the original body’s father, he can put pressure on the police to arrest those murderers and wait for legal sanctions.

After the case is over, the stock market should also be harvested.

He was going to leave the city after getting the first payment, to remake himself in a more developed city, away from this sad place.

Putting down the pen and looking at the plan on the notebook, Zhou Yu Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had some more hope in his eyes.

He just wanted to understand.

The Sri Lanka is dead, no matter how painful it will be, he can only look forward.

Together with the buds of those feelings, it is time to let go.

"Brinngggg-!!!" The bell rang after class.

Zhou Yu returned from his musings.

He didn't listen much in class today. Even lunch was settled at a food stall near the school. He felt that time had passed too quickly, and it was already sunset in the blink of an eye.

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