Day 11: Brucenat on holidays with the Bartons

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"Bruce!" Natasha called. She was tugging on her shoes, hair falling into her face, when she collided with her husband. She laughed as he steadied her. "Hey."

Bruce smiled at her. "What did you call me for?" he asked.

"We are going to be late," Nat reminded him. "Not that Clint or Laura cares, but the kids do, so–" she looked up and fastened her scarf around her neck. "It's Christmas."

"Yeah." Bruce stood by the door. "I've got Bob and everything in the jet. It's warmed up. We are going to the mountain house, where we're meeting our proteges, the Barton family, and Clint's protege, plus Yelena. Sounds like it?"

"Yes." Natasha drew her scientist in for a kiss before leading them outside and locking the door. "Let's go."


The two (plus their dog, Bob) arrived at the house in the mountains that Tony gave them a few years ago. It was a huge log cabin-esque mansion complete with a frozen-over lake in the back, whether for swimming in the summer or skating in the winter.

Every time Natasha went there, she had to stop herself from pausing to marvel at the place before her. It really was a beautiful house, especially with the snow blanketing the building and the fairy lights twinkling in the early sunset.

Natasha grabbed her bags as she smiled at the Hulk's short visit out to help haul in the presents. To think this would all have been impossible at some point... she shook her head and went inside.

"Natasha!" Laura smiled as she greeted her friend. "I missed you. Can I grab your bags?"

"Ha. No." Nat rolled her eyes as she navigated her way up the stairs. "Our usual room?"

"Yep." Laura followed her up. "You and Bruce are in the yellow room. Clint and I are taking the white one, Kate and Yelena are taking the purple one with Lila, Nate and Cooper are sharing the green room, and Peter and MJ are taking the blue room."

Natasha glanced at Laura with a smile. "Those two are rooming now? A big step," she commented.

"Yeah," her friend agreed. "And to think they used to be squeamish about hugging each other."

"Now they're sharing a bed." Nat sighed. "We are getting old."

"Oh, come one, Nat," Laura said. "I'm so much older than you. You're what, 40? I'm 57! You're not even the age I had Nate!"

Natasha sighed, toting her bags through the doorway. "Fine, Mom," she muttered.


She turned and grinned at her friend. "Yes, Mom?"

Laura threw up her hands. "I give up." She walked out to the hallway as Natasha followed her. "You're impossible."

Natasha grinned and hooked her arm through her friend's. Once she got downstairs, she was immediately ambushed by Nathaniel Barton, who was being pursued by his two siblings, Lila, and Cooper.

"Dad's making cookies," Lila informed Natasha. "Kate and Yelena are in there probably hogging all the good ones so we just came here to say hi. Now we have to go." She tapped Nate, who was still hugging Nat, to get him to release his godmother and return to the cookies.

Nat watched them go. "Are our MIT students here yet?" she asked Laura as they went into the living room.

"Oh, no." Laura shook her head. "They phoned ahead, said that they had to finish up their stuff. They'll be here in an hour or so."

Natasha shifted to face her friend on the couch. "Hey, thanks for inviting us."

"It's your house, Nat." Laura laughed.

"Yeah, but still."

Natasha's gaze drifted to the huge tree in the foyer, where Bruce was lying on the floor next to a pile of presents. She went over to her husband and squatted down beside him. "Hey, doc," she teased.

Bruce chuckled lightly. "Hi." He sat up. "Back problems."

She smiled and sat down next to him. "Peter and MJ aren't here yet."

"Sad, I was hoping to see them before the Hawkeye family demolishes all the cookies."

An hour later, Natasha and Bruce were jolted awake by the students they were talking about.

"Hey, Ms. Romanoff," MJ said with a smile. She looked over to Peter, who was in a rapid discussion with Nate about... something. "Peter, come back here."

He finished his conversation with Nathaniel and walked over, slinging an arm around his girlfriend, the other hand holding a mug of hot chocolate. "Ms. Romanoff, Dr. Banner," he greeted happily. "Nice nap?"

Natasha rolled her eyes and helped Bruce get up. "Are you two sleeping together?" she asked the couple.

Peter choked on his drink. "What– no–" he spluttered. "Of course not!"

MJ frowned at him. "You make it sound like a bad thing," she said.


"I meant sharing a room," Natasha interjected. She saw the relief on Peter's face. "Relax."

He smiled nervously. "Right."

Bruce took Nat's hand gently and guided her to the living room. "Let's sit down and catch up," he suggested.

The four of them sat down on the couch.

"So how's MIT treating the two of you?" the scientist asked. "Everything going well?"

Peter glanced at MJ, who nodded. "Yeah, yeah, everything's been great."

"Just..." MJ shrugged. "Exams."

"Right," Bruce replied.

Kate came running in. "Clint's getting chased down by Yelena!" she yelled. She ran out the other way as Clint himself came rushing in.

He had a look of panic on his face as he addressed Natasha. "Nat, your sister's crazy."

"I know," she replied.

Yelena jumped Clint out of nowhere. "More cookies," she demanded. "Now."

"They're in the oven!" he yelped. "Just wait a bit!"

Kate stuck her head back in. "You were just going to put siracha on it anyways, 'Lena." She laughed.

Yelena frowned. "And?"

"Never mind."

"Dad!" Lila's voice came through from the kitchen. "Cooper stole my bow!"

"Coming!" Clint huffed as Yelena let go of him. He jogged slowly back into the kitchen.

Laura passed her husband as he left the room. "Anyone want more hot chocolate?" she asked with a smile, even as one of her children screamed and a fire erupted in the kitchen behind her. "We have cinnamon and nutmeg if you want to add stuff. No peppermint though," she added.

"Clint Barton, the cookies are burning!" Yelena yelled.

"I don't care anymore!" said the grown man.

"Care or I will make you care, you arrow-toting mudak!"

"You beat me up last year!"

"Take the cookies out or I will do it again, Barton!"

Natasha sighed. "Never a dull moment here, huh?" she said.

Laura smiled. "Nope."

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