Chapter 3

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*third person pov*

Terra and Elara walked into the suite, laughing. Neither girls noticed the three in the main room as the two made their way to Elara's room.

"What are you gawking at?" Aisha asked Bloom, who was staring at Elara as she walked past them and into her room.

"Oh! Nothing, nothing" Bloom said, trying to shake off the odd feeling she got.

Musa and Aisha just looked at Bloom weirdly before continuing their conversation.


*Elara's room*

"Did you see the way the new girl looked at you?" Terra asked.

"No, what are you talking about?" Elara asked, genuinely confused.

"The new girl, Bloom I think her name is, she was staring right at you AND she was blushing" Terra said with a suggestive smile.

"Don't even think about it Terra Harvey" Elara scolded. "I'm not looking to date anyone right now and you know that"

"You're right, sorry El" Terra said, looking guilty.

"It's alright Terra, but please stop suggesting these things when anyone even looks in my general direction" Elara said.

"Yes ma'am!" Terra said, saluting her dramatically.

Elara rolled her eyes and laughed at her friends antics.


"I thought tonight is supposed to be casual" Elara heard Bloom say to Stella.

"It is" Stella said.

"Then why are you changing outfits?" Bloom asked.

"People expect me to care how I look, and if they see me in the same outfit more than once they would think I don't care." Stella said, still not looking at Bloom.

"Ooookay" Bloom said awkwardly before retreating from the room.

"Yes Stella, tonight is supposed to be casual" Elara said, teasing Stella slightly.

"Shut it El" Stella said, trying not to smile.

"Help me find an outfit?" Elara asked, smiling at Stella.

"Always" Stella said, making eye contact with Elara.

Eventually the two decided on a royal blue tight dress that stopped just above the knees, and open toed gold heels


~•~•~ Outfit

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Elara and Stella walked to the courtroom with their arms linked. As soon as they walked through the doors, all heads turned to look at them.

Being used to this kind of attention, it didn't bother Stella or Elara, they just kept walking.

Elara and Stella make their way to the drinks table and look at all the option.

"What do you want El? Wine or champagne?" Stella asked.

"Wine please, red" Elara said, she was already bored with all of this.

The man behind the table handed Elara and Stella their drinks and as Elara was about to take a sip of her drink, someone in the distance caught her eye.

Bloom was standing on her own, looking around awkwardly clearly not sure what she should be doing.

"I'll see you later Stel" Elara told Stella before walking across the room towards the redhead.

"You look uncomfortable" Elara said, suddenly appearing at Blooms side.

"Oh god! Sorry, you scared me" Bloom laughed "but yeah, I am uncomfortable"

Elara laughed, taking a sip of her drink, observing everyone around them.

"You can drink? Isn't it illegal" Bloom said shocked that a 15 year old girl can drink.

"This is Europe Bloom, not America" Elara said simply, side eyeing Bloom.

"Are people gonna be getting drunk?" Bloom asked.

"Definitely, but I don't get drunk so no need to worry about me" Elara said, joking slightly.

Bloom laughed, not believing a word she said.

The two teenagers talked for a little while, making their way back to the drinks table.

By 9:30, Elara was quite drunk, leaning slightly on Bloom and laughing. She's already had three glasses of wine, two glasses of champagne, 4 shots, and 3 glasses of whiskey.

Bloom was trying to make sure that Elara didn't bump into any teachers, or the headmistress.

"I want to show you something Bloom" Elara said, slurring slightly as she pulled Bloom outside.

Both Bloom and Elara had kicked off their shoes at this this point and Elara starting running with Bloom following closely behind her.

Soon they ended up at the stone circle.

"What is this?" Bloom asked, since there haven't been any classes there yet.

"It's my favourite place ever" Elara slurred. She started walking towards the centre, stumbling slightly before making it to the rock in the middle.

"Watch this" Elara said to Bloom.

She put her hands flat down onto the rock, and closed her eyes. After a few seconds she opened her eyes again and they were a glowing silver blue colour and then suddenly light blue magic started to swirl around the two of them, flowing around them like air.

"Woah" Bloom said amazed, watching the magic flow.

Bloom looked at Elara and watched her face, and when Elara felt eyes on her she looked back at Bloom.

The two stood there, just staring at each other for a few seconds before Bloom did something she never expected.

She kissed Elara.

And Elara didn't pull away.

Suddenly Bloom pulled away, her eyes wide and panicked.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to do that, I'm not trying to take advantage of you I don't know what I was thinking! Oh god this is so embarrassing" Bloom rambled.

"Bloom" Elara said softly

Bloom kept rambling


Bloom didn't answer her and still continued to ramble.

"BLOOM" Elara snapped, sounding eerily like her mother.

Bloom quickly shut up and looked at Elara.

"It's fine Bloom, don't feel bad" Elara said, smiling softly.

"We should get back" Bloom said, embarrassed about what she just did.

The two walked back to their suite, being the first two back.

"Goodnight Bloom" Elara said as she made her way to her room.

"Night Elara" Bloom said.

And both girls went to bed that night, wondering what the hell happened.

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