Chapter 19, Kids

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You jogged towards the commotion to see what was going on. As you approached them, you were getting pissed. The guy begged, "Please sir.. I'll do anything." You aggressively grabbed the persons arm and pulled him up. "Hey, do you have any idea who you're talking to? Master Ubuyashiki doesn't take to beggars.." As you made eye contact with the person, your realized who it was. Why was Giyuu here? You asked, "Tomioka? What are you doing here?" He chuckled, "Wow.. You've gotten nice." He smiled, and you felt your nose start to sting. You haven't seen his smile in forever. A tear rolled down your cheek. You muttered, "I didn't think I was going to see you again. I've missed you so much."

He told, "Well don't just stand there and cry. Hug me." And you did. You leaned into him and wrapped your arms around him. You whispered, "Thank you for coming back." He hugged you back and shook his head, "Don't thank me. I should've never left in the first place. I love you y/n." You let go of him and sniffled. Ubuyashiki instructed, "Giyuu, tell y/n what you told me." He replied, "Yes sir." He paused. "Y/n, your Kasugai crow came to me yesterday and told me he was worried about you. He hasn't sent you on a mission recently because I've been gone. He said that he's worried you won't be able to focus without me. He doesn't want you to get yourself killed."

You asked, "So.. are you coming back for good?" Giyuu told, "That's up to Master Ubuyashiki.." You both turned to him. He said, "I believe I'm second chances, Giyuu. And if you guys work the best together, who am I to stop you?" Tomioka thanked him. "Thank you sir." Kagaya's daughters took his hands and started to guide him back inside. He said, "Work hard you two." You spoke, "We will, goodbye." As soon as he was out of earshot, Giyuu started to apologize, "I'm really sorry.. If I knew sooner I would've came back a long time ago." You started to walk towards your estate, and he followed. You reassured him, "It's not your fault. And it doesn't matter anyway, all I care about is that your back."

There was silence for a few seconds. He asked, "So, are you doing pillar training all on your own?" You nodded, "Yeah, each of us got assigned a group of kids to train. But I thought I was only doing the kids that used water breathing, but it turns out that there's way too many kids that use water breathing, so I couldn't take all of them. I have a whole mix of kids, and when some of them told me what breathing style they use, I seriously thought they were making it up." Giyuu laughed. "Yeah, there are some weird ones. Personally I think water breathing is the best." You agreed, "Me too, but when I brought up the issue of having too many kids that use water breathing, all the other pillars argued that it was the easiest.." Giyuu started, "I bet Sanemi told you that.. What a-"


There was awfully loud explosion that came from behind you. You didn't scream, you didn't even move. Giyuu's eyes became wide, and you could imagine yours did too. Debris was flying in front of your face, so you slowly turned around. The secret mansion wasn't a mansion anymore. The fear started to kick in. You shrieked, "What the hell was that?! Wasn't Kagaya in there?!" A voice that you didn't recognize laughed, "He was in there. And I don't recognize you.. I didn't realize there was another pillar to defeat.." Once the person was finally visible, you knew exactly who it was. You stuttered, "K-Kibutsuji?" The rest of the pillars came running outside, along with every single kid you we're training. There were probably 300 or more of you. One of your female students, Miya, bolted up to you and latched onto your haori.

She screamed and cried, "Is that M-Muzan?! I'm gonna die!" Muzan spoke, "Looks like we've found my first victim." He stuck his hand out, and the young girls head was obliterated. Her brain, along with tons of blood was splattered all over you and the ground surrounding you. You stared at your bloody hands in horror. The sound of her body thumping on the ground was terrifying. That was sight nobody should of had to see, and the rest of the pillars had their mouths hanging open. Even Muichiro. You felt disgusted, and overall helpless. You couldn't do anything for the girl. You were imagining her family, excited the she would get to come home tomorrow. How would you even begin to inform them of this news? You were taking care of that girl, you were supposed to protect her.

You had to protect the rest of these kids. You reached both your shaky hands to your katana, and pulled it out in one swift motion. You yelled, "W-Why would you do that?!" The look on Kitbusuji's face terrified you. He looked furious. He questioned, "Is someone getting loud now?" Suddenly, a lady dressed in a purple kimono started to use some form of magic on Muzan. It looked like blood demon art. Was she a demon too? Like Tanjiro's sister.. Nezuko. Was a demon really trying to kill Muzan? It looked like she was holding him in place. Gyomei yelled out as he charged at Kibutsuji. A stone, attached to a chain crushed Muzan's skull. Was it that easy? Are you done? Do you not have to worry about demons anymore?

Muzan's head grew back. Impossible. If he can't be killed by smashing his head, is he immortal? The only other thing that kills demons is sunlight, but the sun just went down. You guys can't hold Kibutsuji off for 10 hours. Giyuu muttered, "Can he... not be killed?" Almost immediately after he said that, you heard a biwa. In your free time, you used to study the upper moons. Nakime must've strung the biwa. Everyone, including Muzan himself was teleported to the infinity castle. Giyuu reached his arm over you, "Stay behind me." You looked behind you, and to your surprise, you didn't see the kids. It was only a long empty hallway that almost seemed endless. You asked, "W-Where are the kids?" Giyuu looked behind himself as well, "Nakime scattered us. Let's go try and find them."

You two started to walk away. You were thinking about how you would even get out of this place, but you were mostly thinking about that poor girl that was slaughtered in front of her friends. These are good kids. They'll never be able to get that imagine out of their mind. A voice called out, "Running away from me? You're not even going to say hello?" When you and Giyuu turned around, there was a demon behind you. Akaza Upper Moon 3.

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