1 ~The little girl, and the forgotten fairytale

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February 2022
And so lies our heroine, only a year left until she becomes a teen, our heroine wakes up in an office, but something is wrong as if it's a simulation, but she couldn't wrap her head around it,

"Wait a second...

                         is this.....a dream?...."

She looked to her right and passed her finger into its palm... It went through as if it was a knife...

"This is a dream....?!

....if I am lucid, then I wish to see the sandman....!!"

Then after she said that, she saw a silver door... she took the chance to push the doors, to find a white room, filled with doors, and in the middle, lies a young boy around her age dressed in orange staring upon the doors, but then a flood of....that looks like.....

......TV Static....?


Flooded through the room, as the boy stood there, without even a care in the world, our little girl tried to reach her arm to him as if there was a wall pulling them apart,


But before she could even see him, she woke up in her sister's room, hearing her family sing happy birthday to her...

                                Happy birthday little girl...

                                                there is a planet you need to save...

The witch, The Princess , and the girl torn her own strings Where stories live. Discover now