Chapter Two: The New Beginning?

Start from the beginning

"Our own deeds led us to where we are now. Unlike you, I have recognized my mistake and fixed myself. I know what's better for my people."  Sangheili snapped his tail behind him.

Iley laughed sinisterly.

"It's too late brother. Eywa and our parents already chosen. Don't forget, you had a part in the death of our parents. WE KILLED THEM!"
Iley yelled as his fangs flashed through the dark mist.

Sangheili's heart dropped. He knew what he did, he knew his mistake.

"Eywa has abandoned us. So why change now? If we're going to perish anyways? Let us bond together and fight Navi and Eywa together! Our warriors for sure can destroy them all." Iley smiled at Sangheili.
"Your forces have been weakened from the Great War. I'm sure you wouldn't want the rest of your forces wiped out either?"

He walked forwards until he was a few feet away from Sangheili.
"Don't hope that the Na'vi will come either. They wouldn't help you after the war."
Long strands of saliva flowed down his mouth as he snarled and laughed.
"May Eywa be with you.." His eyes suddenly turned stone cold as he walked away. "If Eywa even exists."

Milewyo shrugged, "Let's get this shit over with."

Potxa reaches for Sangheili's face and touches her forehead to his.

"Everything will be ok." She smiles.

"I sure hope so."
He glances at his wrist, a bracelet made from beads, as a gift from Na'vi when they were younger. Please come little sister.


The warm, still air gently tapped his skin. He slowly opened his eyes. Around him was the plains. Direhorses and grass. He was under the only tree that was visible to the eye. He stood up and for a second, he couldn't breathe.

"Mother? Father?"

He squinted his eyes to make sure what he was seeing was true. His mother and father, standing before him. He instantly fell to his knee and bowed his head.

"I am so sorry..I was a coward. I failed you. But I am no longer a coward, I am an honorable warrior who will protect his people to the end. I will protect Eywa and those who inhabit her. I'm sorry for my failures I won't-"

A soft finger was pressed along his lips, the finger then lifted up his head to see his mother. She smiled and kissed his forehead as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Why have you come to me? Even after what I did.."

"We are with Eywa now. You do not worry. You must protect Pandora and your sister."

"I will, that's why I am going to war with Iley, but we are outnumbered and -"

"Your and Iley's people are now in Eywa's hands." She smiled before slowly disappearing.

"Mother! Wait.."

He reached his right arm out to grab her, but she was already gone. He looked up and both his parents was no longer there. He collapsed to the ground, squirming around as voices echoed in his head, they got louder and louder. He clutched his head and screamed in agony.



He gasped and shot up. Potxa was tugging on his arm

"They're attacking! We need to go!"


Sangheili grabbed his spear and mask and ran outside. His head still ached.

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