wasted ? | 06

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it was already daylight and your eyes gave away the fact you cried for quite a while, the corners of your eyes being red and your nose slightly the color pink as your eyes also was a tad bit puffy but you placed ice on them

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it was already daylight and your eyes gave away the fact you cried for quite a while, the corners of your eyes being red and your nose slightly the color pink as your eyes also was a tad bit puffy but you placed ice on them. 

you missed erusa so much, you just needed her to be here right now. laughing with you, teasing you, things that you guys did when you both were here in your room or outside hanging out. 

letting out yet another sigh you then stood up from your chair and checked how you looked. putting on the glasses and a lip gloss you then left the room. you hair swaying every time you took a step, your thoughts still buried with the memories you had with erusa. 

you could have stayed in your room and not let anybody get a glimpse of you but you didn't. why? because you needed to get yourself wasted. you needed to feel empty right now, sadness took over your form as the memory of erusa telling you to stay as yourself and not change if she died. 

your eyes once again started to feel hot and glossy so you blinked them rapidly, even though you wore glasses, it didn't hide your eyes that much. when you walked in the elevator you caught sight of the two newbies being in there with kuina. 

they noticed how you stood in front of the elevator and didn't get in, earning glances from them. you made eye contact with arisu and let out a sigh. you really wanted that drink right now so you took a step in the elevator and hummed while looking through the mirror. 

you felt them looking at you and you caught them too. you couldn't help but frown. you saw arisu and usagi give you a smile and you looked down. were you supposed to smile back? ignoring the question you shook your head and sighed. you sigh so many times that it became a habit. 

finally arriving where you wanted to be you then left the elevator as fast as you could, earning even more looks and glances. you were used to the looks and glances sent to you but it didn't mean you were comfortable with it. 

after grabbing the drink you wanted, which was gekkeikan sake. you let out a hum once you took a sip. sake for breakfast? why the hell not? 

you were a doctor sure but you stopped being one once you came into this world, stopped caring about your own health. you stopped. it didn't bother you but you did miss the way your patients would smile and thank you for what you did for them. 

you missed the way their friends or family members would go as far as hugging you as a way to thank you, hell some even gave you money, you declined it but they insisted. you missed every little thing in that world of yours. you never knew you would and could miss working as you did find it exhausting.

you stared at your second bottle and grinned while letting out a hiccup. this was your first time getting drunk in public and not in your room, sure you did get wasted in public but you immediately went back in your room to let out whatever. 

you weren't at all thinking. what was it with you today? your head starting to get dizzy and your eyes started to slightly blur, the sounds around you deafened. you reached for the bottle and grinned once you got it, taking another huge drink of it. 

erusa would be ashamed of you y/n. 

"huh?" you hiccupped while looking around, then erusa appeared in your vision, making you stiff and your eyes watering. 

"oh look at you~" erusa cooed with that grin on her face while watching you with narrowed eyes. you sniffed and looked at her confused as she started to walk closer to you. "e..erusa?" you called with a hiccup following along. 

"i'm dead because of you." erusa told you with a scowl, you flinched at her voice and she grinned widely at that. "its all your fault."

"it's all my fault.!" you shouted out with tears running down your face like a waterfall. the people around you flinched and suddenly erusa disappeared with that grin on her face. you hiccupped once more and looked around you with your vision all blurry. 

you heard your name being called out by a familiar voice and you tried to look at them but your body swayed from side to side and suddenly everything went black as darkness consumed you. 

𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ' (𝙖𝙞𝙗𝙭𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt