0.7 Hangout

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I woke up to the sun shining in my face and I groaned before pulling the covers over myself. I slid myself out of bed and to the kitchen to get some water and when I came back I heard I knock coming from my window. My face immediately struck fear and I slowly stepped towards the window. I looked around and sighed in relief seeing nothing. As soon as I went to leave dis lightskin nigga jumped up and I screamed and almost fell. I opened the window and dragged Ddot inside, "Yo nigga I'm gonna fucking kill you! WHY ARE U HERE?!" I yelled holding him by collar.

"Yo CHILLLLLLL, I'm here to hang out" He said causally. "Nigga u scared me on purpose" I said gritting my teeth.
"Next time if you want to hang out, don't  parkour to my window and scare the living shit out of me" I scolded him. "My fault ma" He smirked. It's way too early for this. I sat down on my bed and turned on the Tv, Ddot sat next to me. "How was your sleep?" Ddot asked playing with my hair.

"Meh.. could be better, I'm still tired. And hungry" I say rubbing my stomach. "Want me to order you something?" Ddot asked. "Nah I'm fine, I already order enough. I should probably make something. I stretched a bit and put on my robe and slippers. Ddot sat on my bed hesitantly, "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Is your dad down there?" Ddot asked. I stared at him and laughed. "If your scared just say that" I chuckled.
"Me scared? Stop playing" Ddot yelled jumping up and racing me downstairs. "Nah ma you rich" Ddot says as we entered the kitchen.

"My dad got a nice car, nice bitches" I told him. I went in the fridge and grabbed the milk, eggs and butter. Also everything else you need to make pancakes. I climbed on top on the counter and got the flour.
"Pancakes pancakes" I sung. "Yo get a bowl for me" I asked him. He got it and put it in front of me, I tried to take it but her moved it away from me. "Ddot, give me" I said trying to take it again but he moved it. He extended his arm in the air and I put my hand on his chest and got on my tippy toes to try and reach it. I gasped when I started tipping over but Ddot caught me,

"Your so clumsy" He laughed putting the bowl on top of my head. I snatched it from him and glared at him. I put the flower in first and then the milk, and cracked the eggs inside. At this point there was flower all over me. The mixture was so thick and it was so hard to stir. Ddot noticed and put his hand on mine behind me and started stirring. I could feel his breath over me and I blushed. I felt his eyes on me and he moved closer to me.

"I-I think it's good now" I stuttered making him smirk and move away. I put the pan on the oven and some butter and then put the mixture in. The oil started popping,
"YOOO BACK UP" I said ducking down to avoid the flying oil. "NAWHWHH" Ddot screamed. "OWWW!" He said getting popped. We both started running and hid behind the counter. "What the fuck?!" He whined. "U good?" I asked. "Nigga I told u back up" I said.

"No im not good" He muttered.

"Well idk what I can do about that" I shrugged laughing at him. He thought for a bit, "Kiss it better" He told me.

"A- W-WHAT?!" I yelled. "Pleaseeeeee" he begged. I sighed grabbing his hand and kissing it.

"WOW! It feels so much better now!" He cheesed hugging me. "Stop capping nigga" I said pushing him. "Sky your so beautifulllll" He said hugging me even tighter.
That's pretty telling since my hair is looking a lil rough. But I did just wake up.
We waited a few minutes and I made Ddot flip the pancake. Den we made some eggs and bacon and went back to my room and ate at the little rug table watching Tv.

After I finished a flopped over to the floor. "Yo you good?!" Ddot asked concerned. "I'm so full, I think I'm going into a food coma" I said. Ddot picked me up and sat me next to him. "Nigga stop touching me" I said smacking him. He ignored me and put my head in his lap. Before I knew it I was sound asleep.

||Annoying|| (ddot x oc story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin