In the Jungle

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"You summoned mrs.Lyon."

Storm looked up to see Pandora,an empire artist and one of her friends,entering the studio.


Storm pierced her lips,making Pandora laugh as she walked over to the couch where Storm sat with Set.

Pandora leaned down,and her and Storm kissed eachother on their cheeks.Then she turned to Set,and leaned down to hug her.

"Sup guys.Aren't yall supposed to be recording?"Pandora asked before sitting next to Set.

"We are but..."

Set motioned to Storm who was looking down at her phone.

"Girl don't tell me that-"
"Hey listen to this."

Storm sat forward and rested her elbows on her knees and started reading an article she had just found.

"Storm Cruz married her boss Hakeem Lyon.The pair were not even dating prior to their nuptials,so why would she marry someone she wasn't in a relationship with?Simple,he signs her paycheck.Cruz  undoubtedly did this to keep her career secured,because she reached her peak with her diamond selling album:Sleepless in Seattle.But what she dosen't know is that she might have just ruined her most precious asset,her career."

"Damn."Pandora winces.
"Oh it goes on."

Storm looks up just as Set snatches her phone out of her hands,and folds her arms,so that Storm can't snatch it back.

"I'm sorry,Sto,but you cannot live like this.I've been watching you reading these stupid articles for the last hour.And guess what sis they're not gonna get better.Why?Simply because the world is pissed that you married Hakeem."
"Why though?"

Set's lips stretch into the smile that people give when sombody asks them a stupid question.

"What?I honestly don't get it.Why people are criticizing me so harshly about something that has nothing to do with them."
"Because you were supposed to be different."

Storm and Set look at Pandora who's looking down at nails.

"What do you mean?"
" were a breath of fresh air for Empire.You were this young girl from Queens who wanted to make it big.And you did.You are a female who made it to the top without having any personal link to the Lyon's.And the  fans had never seen that.And Sto,everyone loved you for that.You're like Empire's poster child for the whole 'you can make it on your own' concept.Everyone loves you for it.Lil girls,middle-aged men,even old grannies."
"Right, so now people think you're a sellout."

Silence fills the room as Storm processes what her friends just told her.

"But me marrying Hakeem dosen't take away who I am and what I stand for...I'm still gonna be the same Storm."
"Well,the public thinks differently."Set bluntly says.
"'The public' should stop attacking me like this,cause they don't even know the full story."
"What is the full story,Storm?" Pandora leans forward

Pandora furrows her eyebrows at Set.

"You don't know?"
"No.Been with her everyday since,and I still don't know."
"I didn't think you wanted to know."
"Really Sto.With all these people talking and wondering out here,you thought I didn't wanna know?"Set raises her eyebrow.
"We both do so spill homegirl."Pandora snaps her fingers.

Storm deeply inhales and exhales ,before sitting back into the couch and crossing her legs.

"So...Keem and I have been dating for almost two months."

Set and Pandora ask at the same time,their eyes widening in shock.

"Yeah.You guys this wasn't some spontaneous thing we did when we were drunk.Keem and I have kissed,held hands,gone on dates,we've even given ourselves to eachother."

Storm looks down at the ring on her left hand and starts twisting it.

"Wow,I can't believe you didn't tell me."Set flips her her.
"It was still early,it still is,and we were really busy preparing for shows Set.I didn't purposely not tell you,it just wasn't solid yet.We were just enjoying eachother's company."

Pandora scoffs"Thats obviously not what was happening."

She points at Storm's ring.

"So wait...did he like actually ask you to be his girlfriend?"Set asks.
"Yeah,he did with roses and everything. "

Silence fills the room,this time beacause Set and Pandora were processing.

"This is unbelievable,Sto.Next you're gonna tell us that he's met your ma."

Pandora's jaw drops when Storm shakes her head.

"Storm how could you marry someone who hasn't met your mother. "Set shakes her head.
"For real.Especially someone  like Hakeem who's just always drowned in controversy."
"Like I said you guys,I didn't have time. And I wanted to make sure that this wasn't some quickie relationship.But if I had known that we were gonna get married I would've taken him to meet her."
"She's probably pissed."Pandora pats down her weave.
"Wouldn't you be if you found out that your daughter married someone over the internet."Set lets out.

Storm sighs and folds her arms.

"If that wasn't bad enough I haven't met his family.Well I have but not as in like:hey I'm Storm,Hakeem's girlfriend."
"In that case I'm surprised Cookie hasn't ripped you apart."Pandora claps her hands together.
"I'm not even worried about that.The only thing thats been on my mind are his kids.Obviously I've been in the same room with them at events at stuff-"
"Plus Hakeem's always  bringing them here."Set says with a little bit of shade.
"And he brought Bella to my fansigning,but its not the same thing."
"Yeah girl,you they stepmomma now."Pandora adjusts the chain around her neck.
"Speaking of...what are you gonna do about their mother?"Set asks.

Storm raises an eyebrow

"Is there anything I have to do?"
"Hell yeah.You know how possessive she is."Pandora says.
"And she gets easily intimidated."Set adds.
"Honestly...I have bigger things to worry about.I'll let Hakeem deal with that."

Pandora sits back and reaches for her phone in her pocket,when she feels it vibrate.She looks down before switching it off and putting it back into her pocket.

"Okay,diamond girl,I have to go and actually record.Jamal wants my final presentation tomorrow so..."

Pandora stands up and blows Storm a kiss.

"Let me love and leave.Bye Set."
"Wait let me come with you."Set stands up.
"Yeah,why not Its not like I'm doing anything in here."

Set looks at Storm,who rolls her eyes.

"Actually yeah,a little Set magic won't hurt."

Set points at Pandora as they walk towards the door of studio B.

"Wait,what about my phone?"Storm asks.

Pandora opens the door and walks out with Set following behind her.Set looks back at Storm.

"I'll give it back,once I've blocked all these blogs and shit."

Set says before walking out of the studio.



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