(⭐) Turning The Tables (Part 3)

Start from the beginning


The changing typing was no surprise to the soda bottle, he knows what's going on. It's Texty. How he'd forgotten about them still confused him and he probably shouldn't have. Even if they are a living text box stuck in a laptop, they're still a person. How did he forget about them like that? That's stupid...

"Texty..? What..happend to Liam?" Bryce asked, albeit a bit quiet.

"Liam? I'm not sure. Last I saw or heard from him was back in Airy's place. He had pulled up the code to send people to the Plane.. He said he was just looking but I didn't buy it. He also had the one for sending people back and I guess he used it on me. I feel like he's..doing something he shouldn't be if the code for sending people to the Plane was brought up before sending me back." They had turned their TTS on so Bryce didn't have to read all that, but it was probably still a lot to take in.

"To send people.... He wouldn't have, right? After EVERYTHING..he..he wouldn't.. He has to have gotten home." Bryce was..concerned to say the least. Not only for Liam, but from what he's heard, for other people too.

"Home? Well, unless he used that code on himself then he doesn't have a way back." Texty replied.

"What do you mean 'He doesn't have a way back'?" Bryce questioned the text box.

"I wasn't listening to whatever you guys were saying all that much, thought you both were just being gay again, but he doesn't have the notes. They got destroyed because they fell into water since he wasn't fully closed." Texty informs him.

"He-... So he lied to me!? Why would he do that? He said he'd be back, why would he...? Why did he not tell me? Not to worry me? Did he think I wouldn't find out? Not care? I just don't..." The soda bottle panics at the thoughts while also ignoring the little comment Texty had made.

Why would Liam lie to him about something like that? After everything they've been through together, he lies to him. So that means he's still in Airy's world and.... No... No he wouldn't.. He wouldn't have done that... Liam wouldn't have.. He.. He had the most determination to STOP ONE.. He wouldn't have..continued it for Airy..right? He wouldn't have trapped more innocent people and forced them to compete in this..this excuse for a show just to torture them.. Unless he knew this would happen..but he couldn't have! He wouldn't turn to be like Airy just because he's..alone...right? Right!?

Maybe this is just a misunderstanding! It has to be! It definitely has to be.. Bryce wants to believe that it is because there is no way in hell that Liam would continue ONE for his own enjoyment. He isn't some psychopath like Airy, he wouldn't torture people. Bryce knows that. Liam wouldn't 180 like that. No way..

But that still leaves a problem... How is he going to get home? Liam is in Airy's world without any notes to get home and he probably destroyed his only way back to prevent ONE from happening again. So how will he get-...

"Texty, do you have a copy of the notes?" Bryce asks rather quickly.

"I do." They answer.

"Pull them up and use the kill command on me." Bryce instructs them.

They do as he said. They get their notes app open and all the notes are available. He only needs the AIRY one. For now, anyways. Bryce should probably get some money for the journey back up here-... He forgot to tell them to wait.. Texty used the command. Guess they'll have to hitchhike.

The soda bottle walks towards the radio, laptop in hand and turns the dial on the little box. Checking over it, Bryce lifts the antenna and is greeted by obnoxious static he hasn't heard in months, only to now appear in a forest. A forest? Did..did the note lead to this forest or did he fuck it up? Bryce doesn't know.

Looking down, there was a clear path made in the grass below the soda bottle, you could see it clear as day...even if it was night.. Following a sketchy forest path in the middle of the night..that'd get him killed but the things he'd do for that dumbass..

Bryce sighed to himself and began to walk down the path, using the laptops screen to light the way. It doesn't take that long before coming to an clearing in the forest. A big one. Looking around, it seems as if it had recently gotten bigger due to the many damaged stumps around the area. Ignoring that, the soda bottle looks around and takes note of things. A cabin, a waterfall, a cave and a fire pit... There's someone there but he can't make out who. The silhouette is hand to understand as they looked slouched over in their seat and the lighting from the fire and the angle that Bryce is and doesn't help. As stupid as it may be, he approaches this person. Or at least he thinks it's a person.

The laptop got closed, for its own safety. With each step Bryce took, he could begin to see this slouched figure more clearly. They obviously had something in their hands but they weren't moving. Not even the the sounds of footsteps towards them made them move. Bryce would have to try and stay calm as he drew closer to them until he eventually stopped behind them.

"Hey." Bryce tried to say.

He could even begin to get that single word out. The figure immediately snapped around to face him as soon as his voice was heard, dropping a piece of wood from their hands whilst holding a makeshift knife in the other. The looked like they were ready to attack whoever approached them but they stopped when they saw the soda bottle. Their panicked expression changed to a calm one as they sighed from relief. They placed the knife down by the wood they dropped, Bryce assuming they were carving something beforehand, and tried to sit back up on the log as they had previously fallen off it and onto their back when they turned around. They looked in pain as they tried to move back. Once the managed to get back to their seat, Bryce made eye contact with them, still standing by them. There were a lot of things on his mind but he had only one thing he wanted answered.

"Why did you lie to me, Liam?"

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