17. I'm Taking The Win

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I groaned. "You are just adding to the confusion that is my relationship with Draco."

"Sorry." She shrugged. 

"Well, considering you have given me this," I held up the very thick muggle medical book. "You will get an honorary mention in my release publications."

"Would you like some wine?" She asked, holding out the bottle.

"Yes, please," I smiled as a knock rang on her door. 

"Mione, it's me and Harry," Ron shouted from the other side of the door. 

Hermione turned to me, her eyes wide. "Yeah, I am going to need a bigger glass," I smirked at her. "Might as well get this over with. I will answer the door."

"Hermione, open up, I am bursting for a w-" I opened the door. Ron was clearly leaning against it as he fell into the apartment. "You're not Hermione."

"And you are not Johnny Depp. Looks like we are both disappointed."

"Addalie," Harry smiled. 

"Evening boys," I said as I headed back inside and over to the sofas, taking my glass and pulling Hermione down to sit next to me, leaving the boys to sit on the other sofa.

"Addalie, babe. It's good to see you," he smiled a genuine smile, which I had no problem returning. 

"Didn't you have to pee?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah!" He said dancing. "Hold that thought I will be back." He ran out of the room. 

"Em...how... how have you been, Addalie?" Harry asked nervously. 

"I have been good. You?"

"It's been... weird." He answered, looking down. 

Oh great, we get to play. Guess what I am trying to say.

"That's good." There was a bit of an awkward silence. 

"Harry, do you want a beer?" Hermione asked. 

"Merlin, yes!" Harry sighed. 

"Already on it, mate," Ron said, coming back into the room with two beers. "Hello honey," he said as he kissed Hermione, making her blush. Ron handed Harry a beer and sat down next to him. "It's good to see you, Addalie. Hermione mentioned you two had been spending some time together. I was wondering when I would get my turn."

I took a sip of wine. "I'm all yours," I laughed. "But it is good to see you."

"How is the business going?" He asked. 

"Thriving. I can't believe it. I have a second store now in Hogsmeade. We have just hired staff for it as well as an assistant for Pansy for the Diagon Alley store. We have a warehouse manager and several employees who do deliveries and pick-ups from suppliers. It's been crazy busy, which is great!"

"Sounds like it's booming!"

"You should hear about the new machine she is working on that will be able to detect any disease, illness or issue with your body after a quick scan and provide the Healers with a detailed, customised course of treatment. It will cover both muggle and magical diseases. Tell them, Addie." She encouraged. 

"I think you just did," I laughed.

"That sounds amazing," Harry spoke up. 

"We hope so. It's been a long time in the making. I have had to gather info on all diseases. Working with Healers, Aids and even a Doctor and a Sur...em..." I looked to Hermione. 

"A surgeon." She finished for me. 

"Yeah, one of those. It's been fascinating but very hard work. Hermione is going to help with the muggle diseases and treatments."

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