sleepover time!!

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"Wow! I know that castles are big,but I didn't know this big!"

"Well fukua,they are princesses."

"*gasp!* parasoul they're here!"

"Yes umbrella I know. Hello everyone I do hope we all have fun. Umbrella,take fukua and the others to your room.valentine...come with me."

"Okay sis! Okay big girls other than valentine,lets go!"

Umbrella led them to her room as asked while parasoul pulled valentine into her room.

"Sooo kid...what are we gonna do? Play pranks? Eating too much candies?"

"How about we just talk?"

"Filia...really? This is a sleepover...this should be crazy!"

"I agree.i looked up the term 'sleepover' and it involves fun,crushes,and randomness."

"Tin cat's right...but I'm really let's do the crushes/talking part first."

"Good idea carol! I don't really have a crush...but I want to hear you guy's ones!"

"Really? I thought you had a crush on that lily girl?"

"Huh? Why would i?"

"Oh? Hey shamone? Should we spill?"

"Oh I think you should clone clone!"

".......what did you just call me?"

"Sooo what are we going to do hm~?"



"The annie of the stars season 4 premiere comes out tonight! So we're gonna watch all of season 3 and watch the premiere!"

Valentine didn't know what to make of this.she wasn't really a fan of annie but...parasoul looked so happy...

"Okay fine..we'll watch annie."

Parasoul made a happy noise and pulled valentine in for a hug.

"Just one many episodes are in season 3?"


Oh dear.

"Okay! Now that we're settled,lets do something fun!"

"Alright kid! How about we prank these uptight grauds of yours?"

"Good idea peacock...but how?"

"Oh! I know!"


"There's a book in our library that can help us!"

"Really? A fucking book?"

"Samson be nice! If the book will help us have fun....i don't see why we can't go get it?"

"Alright! Fukua,robo-fortune are you 2 coming?"

" we have to?"

"We must fukua! The fate of us having fun is at stake!!"

Fukua and shamone rolled their eyes.this was gonna be a long night..and it was only 6 pm!

"Here it is.the book of legends."

"I don't see the point of this umbrella.."

"Wheels is right.this is not pranking material!"

"Hold on I'm reading a spell!"

Filia gulped "a spell....?"


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