Chapter 2 Dean

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The trip to Demori was a bit long, we'd already been on the way for 16 hours, however the driver had assured us we'd be arriving soon, and he was right
The carriage came to a stop and I heard the men talking, after waiting about 7 minutes or so I heard gates open and the carriage resumed it's journey. I looked out the window and saw that we indeed had arrived to our destination, well sort of, we were most certainly in Demori, we just weren't at the exact place we were going to- The Palace.
Once we had arrived at the palace we exited the carriage and I stretched because it'd been a long trip, I was so tired at this point. I looked around and it was a beautiful scenery that I had in front of me
An enormous Structure, it had four tall tower pillars on the ends two on each side, made of a creamy brown color, each of the towers had a wooden semi-circle style door at the bottom, a very dark oak wood that accented the color of the bricks very nicely. Windows everywhere, even at our palace back home do we have this many windows. The front entrance didn't have massive stairs but the stairways curved curved in leading to two large glass doors.

We made our way up and there in the entrance were two people, if class of course the King and Queen of France Marie-Louise and Henry.
"Clara, Maximillion nice too see you both again" the queen said to my parents before
embracing them into a hug,
"Ah and this must be Dean" she said
I nodded" your majesty, it's a pleasure to meet you" I smiled back and kissed the back of her hand"
"Mother, Father ?" I heard a soft voice say, distant but close

"We're down here sweetheart" Marie said to the figure coming down the stairs I looked at her as She descended so beautifully and elegant, she had dark brown eyes, almost black, long black hair with a shine that could light up a room, and her face had a glow that was almost unreal. I never knew something could be so beautiful.

"This is our daughter Genevieve" The King held out his hand to the side as Genevieve took it
"Father" she curtsied
Then going to my mother and father before curtsying as well
"Your majesties"
"Pleasure to meet you Genevieve" both my parents said with a smile
"Pleasure" she said as I took hold of her hand to place a kiss on the back it, never breaking the eye contact, noticed her blushing as I did this, making myself blush, she giggled
"Well now that we have all been acquainted I believe it's time for supper" he grinned and led us into the dining room.///

He was getting away
I couldn't catch up
I have to get him before he hurts anyone else
I was so close
There's someone in his path about a mile up
These woods are forbidden to humans, why are they here-
I've almost got him
It's a woman- a g i r l
Just a bit closer
She looks familiar
Is that G-
The creature jumps to catch its prey
"WATCH OUT !!" I call out
I shield her, my body hovering over her like a force field, and time stops
She says in a whisper that is barely audible
in disbelief of who is in my arms, I answer almost by instinct


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