Chapter 1 Genevieve

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My life wouldn't be what you would call "interesting". I've lived in the smallest town in Maine all my life for goodness sakes. I was just your average 17 year high school student who works at a small coffee shop owned by my best friend's grandparents in a town called Mills because the actual name is too difficult to pronounce. But don't get me wrong, living in a small town had its perks, I didn't have to walk much because everything was just a couple blocks away, the entire town was only about 15 miles each way. Everyone knew everyone in Mills, when two people started dating it wouldn't be long before everyone knew, if someone moved to Mills well it would just be a matter of hours before literally everyone in town knew, but I guess that's just how small towns worked.
Just like any other normal teenager I disliked Mondays- like a lot, But today it was different I was actually looking forward to going to school for 7 hours. Why you may ask? Because today afterschool starts my senior season of winterguard. Probably the only reason I haven't gone completely insane yet; that and my best friend JL who is also looking forward to his senior season but not for winterguard, his thing is Lacrosse.

JL and I met in second grade when his family moved to Mills, ME from California, our friendship sparked almost instantly when we were partnered to do a project on any animal and we both said Penguins simultaneously- honestly if you like penguins I already love you, Penguins are the best species of birds out there- we ended up getting an A+ on the project and becoming the best of friends so I guess you could say we gained more than an A+ on it.

Being a senior isn't all it's cracked up to be- well at least not in Mills, a High school with less than 500 students total, school dances or football games weren't what I would call "fun" or "exciting". Or even Prom, I don't even think I'll go there isn't anyone from Mills HS I would actually agree to going to prom with unless of course JL but he's taking his babe of a girlfriend who may I add is a cheerleader, and a really good one at that. Heather and I have always been good friends, we became even closer when she all of a sudden became interested in JL, but I guess I saw it coming they made an adorable couple they were just too shy to admit it to one another so that's why it's good to have me around, I pushed them to go out- literally I went to JL's house on a Saturday night and dragged him out of his overly sized bed in his pajamas-I'm not kidding- shorts, a black and white T-shirt and the fuzziest bed slippers I'd ever seen- into my not-so-new-or-hot car to meet Heather at the pier, and well the rest is History. Although Heather always tried to pair me up with one of her friends and even her brother once, it never worked out. They were always too gray for me or we would hit it off but as really good friends; besides I've never been much of a "relationship" person or someone who likes to show their feelings- nope never- so I liked being single. I am content with being just me.


Monday mornings; I absolutely hated them. However, I find it pointless wishing we were off from school Mondays because hen technically Tuesdays would become the next Mondays, and hen we would hate Tuesdays and it would just be a never ending cycle. It was a typical Monday though, my Aunt Rose drove me to school while Uncle Pete went off to work in Dix Hills- about an hour away. I've lived with my Aunt and Uncle ever since I was about 7, my parents got killed in a plane crash on their way back home from France. I was told they went there for their 10th marriage anniversary, but that's complete bullshit. Who goes completely armed; cross bows and everything to France ? Yes I was young but I have a very good memory, they sent me to a therapist because they thought it was my way of "coping" but I remember everything. There were too many secrets in this family and I was tired of it.

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