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I remember the first time i started to dream or imagine ,more that calling it an imagination i love to call it a dream, a dream that is too sweet to be true. The first universe i created was a clumsy one filled with mistakes but in my mind it was absolutely perfect.
After hearing my parents endless screams and the sound of glass breaking, i sat in my room with my earphones on trying to distract myself. Thats when i saw it, a butterfly. You must be wondering geez this girl has never seen a butterfly before, well i have but this one was like no other butterflies ive ever seen before. Its wings were pink like the sky i painted when i was 4, its wings had designs of gold and emerald, it was heavy but it carried it easily. It left sparkles of blue wherever it passed. I saw it fly inside my room through my open window, it flew all around me and finally settled on a green book my grandmother had given me, she had said something about the book making my dreams come true or something but as a teenager of 13 i couldn't care less about dreams coming true.

I had not believed in magic or on dreams, i had once but then i got to know how harsh life can be and found out that not everything is sunshines and butterflies and not everything can be set by a single wish, that was until that day.
As the butterfly settled onto the book i could see its glitter pouring into my book for a minute i thought the whole book will be covered by it but to my surprise i saw it disappear within the book just as it landed on the surface. I watched in amazement as the butterfly flew above me and out of the window and out of sight, never to be seen again. For a few minutes i just say there in my bed staring at the book and i walked up to it. As i held the book in my hands i swear i could feel the magic just flowing out of it.

The next morning i woke up with the book still in my hands. I told my best friend about the magical butterfly and as usual they did not believe me, well i already knew they wouldn't but i dont need their judgment on this because i know what i saw and i believe.
From that day omwards whenever i wanted to escape i would take the book and start writing. I would create a new world much different than the one i live and i could swear that i saw it come to life everyday in my dreams.

Was it all just a lie or was it the truth? I don't know what to feel anymore.


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