001. kingdom: legendary war ep 1¹

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

 .⋆·˚ ༘ * 'princess'
IN WHICH i show you the
𓀿life of nakamoto aiko☦︎

── www

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

── www.aiko.com⁂␈'
[wdig] where do i go 

outfit !

outfit !

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Backstage to mnet's Kingdom: Legendary War, the members of Ateez were worried. They had been told that they would be walking through the large entryway, but they were missing a member. Aiko had been their for the rehearsal, but had shortly after rushed out of the building, and was yet to return

"Ateez, please enter." Staff came up to them, fixing their microphones and making sure their appearance was acceptable, before they were ushered in.

San tugged on the leader's sleeve, pulling him to the side slightly. "What about Aiko? We can't go in their without her." Hongjoong looked around, biting his lip. Still no sign of the female.

"We'll have to go in without her and hope she turns up," and with that he he grabbed the boy's hand and rushed them over to the group.


The two girls were mad. Aiko had called Sim Yihwa for an emergency, claiming it was a 'huge wardrobe malfunction.' Turned out Mnet was trying to convince the girls to not participate in the survival show, and Aiko knew that the other wouldn't turn up if she had known that was the reason.

"What do you mean you don't want us on it. The two of us have trained hard with our groups! The performances include us in it, they won't be able to change them in such short notice!" Aiko stood up from her chair, tugging at her hair. Their managers were in the room, as well as their company CEO's, and to say they were having a tough time was an understatement. They all knew that both girls were extremely talented, as well as never ones to down from challenges.

"Look, the two of you are going to be the only females in there, in a room full of boys, we can't have any scandals," one of the managers tried to reason with them.

"We're both in relationships, how are there going to be any scandals! Is that what you expect from us!" It was Aiko who stood up this time. "Look, we can have this conversation later, maybe, I don't care, but right now our members are going into there not knowing where we are, with performances that they need us in. So let us be in this one at least, and then we can talk about it." The girls looked at their managers, pleading. The two had worked incredibly hard for this, and they weren't going let some people take this away from them because they didn't want a 'scandal'.

The two CEO's looked at each other for a few seconds before nodding. "You'll need to hurry over though, I'm sure both of you have missed your entrances by now." The pair quickly bowed before running outside down to the company car.


By now, all six groups were here, and Ateez was more worried than they had been in a long time. What was worse was that other groups had noticed how worried they were, as well as the blatantly obvious fact that a member was missing. Fortunately, well more unfortunately for them, Stray Kids was in the same boat.

"Mr Chan?" Of course it was their oldest sunbaenims who decided to speak on it.


"Why do you look so worried? Same to you Hongjoong?"

"One of our members is missing, she left just before we got here without explaining," he answered, his leg bouncing up and down. Minhyuck went to reply when loud footsteps could be heard from the entrance, and then the two girls appeared, slightly out of breath.

They bowed multiple times, giving a "sorry we're late" before rushing over to their groups.

"Where were you?" Jongho turned to the girl who sat next to him, fixing her jacket. Aiko huffed, running a hand through her hair before leaning on his shoulder. "Mnet is trying to get me and Willow to pull out of the show."

"What?" Everyone in the room turned to Jisung, who had obviously spoken a little louder than he obviously meant to. It seemed Willow was also in the process of telling her members what had happened. He quickly bowed, turning back to his group who were laughing at him. Shaking her head with a grin, the japanese turned back to her members, making eye contact with Wooyoung. "Why did they try and get you out noona?"

"Apparently they don't want us in a room full of men because they don't want any scandals." Hongjoong scoffed, reaching across to rub her shoulder. "That's ridiculous, your in a relationship for god's sake."

"Well, uh, don't hate me for this, but I can sort of see where they are coming from." Yeosang shrunk away from all the glares sent his way. "No I mean that it's still really stupid, but you know how some people are like, Aiko or Willow could so much as stand next to another idol of the opposite gender and all of a sudden they're cheating on Hwa or Haechan. Plus, Willow and Hwa are participating against each other."

"Yeah, I know, it just doesn't make sense, just because we're girls doesn't mean we should be treated differently and not be allowed to participate in things with my group, it's stupid."


yes i know it's a nearly exact copy of my skz one but oh well

𝖶𝖠𝖵𝖤. 𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗓 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum