Chapter 3

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Normandy SR-2

Jacob couldn't help but look around the cargo hold as soon as he got off the shuttle. He had never thought of setting foot on the Normandy SR-2 again, and stepping on that ship brought back pleasant memories. They had made changes, beyond changing the Cerberus logo for that of the Alliance, but in general it was just as he remembered it.

"Hello, Jacob." The former Cerberus member was surprised to see that Shepard herself was coming to greet him. Along with her, there was also an asari.

"Commander." Jacob gave the military salute. "It is an honor to be back under your command."

After leaving Cerberus, Jacob was readmitted to the Alliance, and as such Shepard was his superior.

"Welcome back aboard, Jacob." Shepard returned the salute as per protocol. "By the way, how's the wound?"

"Better, thank you." Jacob reflexively put his hand to his side. "It only bothers me a little if I try to exert myself."

"Thank you for agreeing to come," said Shepard as she motioned for Jacob to follow them. "May I introduce Dr. Liara T'Soni, I believe you two have met."

"Just her reputation as the eminence she is in all things related to Prothean culture." Jacob shook Liara's hand. "It's an honor to meet you in person, Doctor, I've read all your articles, though I'm not sure I fully understand them."

"Thank you very much, you are very kind," Liara replied with that shyness she showed whenever someone complimented her.

"I'm glad you think so, Jacob, because I'm going to need you to give us a hand."

"Of course, I'll help in any way I can."

"With your permission, I'll catch up with you later," Liara commented before parting from them. Shepard and Jacob watched the doctor curiously as she made her way to a new shuttle that had just landed. From it descended a drell with a metal box in his hands. Jacob thought for a moment of Thane Krios, that assassin who'd been part of the suicide squad much to his chagrin, but he knew it wasn't him despite his physical resemblance.

Liara took the box after exchanging a few words with Feron that Shepard and Jacob couldn't hear. Then the drell returned to his ship and departed again.

Liara walked back with concern on her face.

"I'll join you shortly," said the asari. "I'm going to take this to Dr. Chakwas' lab."

Shepard nodded. At that moment the elevator door opened and a huge krogan with an expression that really didn't inspire friendly feelings came out, accompanied by Garrus. Jacob wasn't sure, but he could tell it was that warlord they had had to deal with on Tuchanka months ago. His name was Urdnot Wrex or something like that.

"I'm sorry, but I must leave you," Shepard commented as soon as she saw the krogan. "We have a matter on our hands that requires my full attention, but Liara will bring you up to speed. In fact, it's her research. Keep me in the loop."

Jacob nodded. Shepard and Wrex headed towards the armory with serious looks on their faces, while Garrus paused for a moment to greet the former Cerberus operative.


"The reason why Shepard called you is quite delicate. Everything we talk about will be confidential," Liara said to Jacob as soon as they reached the meeting room. She fixed her gaze on the former Cerberus operative, studying even the smallest detail of his reactions.

"Don't worry, Dr. T'Soni," he said with aplomb, holding the young asari's scrutinizing gaze. "I know how to be discreet when the occasion demands it."

"That's good to hear."

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