Chapter 1

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I was walking through the institute with Izzy talking about different outfits we could wear to the party where we would meet Magnus Bane in order to get Clary's memories back.

I was walking through the institute with Izzy talking about different outfits we could wear to the party where we would meet Magnus Bane in order to get Clary's memories back

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^^^What I'm wearing right now^^^

Then out of nowhere a bright light flashes and I black out.

When I wake up I notice Izzy is laying right beside me, so I nudge her waking her. I glance around the room and notice that we are in a screening room. I look around me and see my best friend Alec and my brother Jace, along with Clary beginning to wake up.

Izzy and I rush over to our siblings and help them stand up. "By the angel.. where are we?" My brother groans being his overdramatic self.

"Cas, what the hell? Why are we here?" I hear an unknown voice ask annoyed "I didn't do this Dean!" responded another unknown voice.

Out of nowhere the movie screen lit up and a female voice spoke "Hello, you are here to watch a movie called 'The Mortal Instruments.' You are watching this movie Shadowhunters because it concerns the events of what has taken place in the past and in the future, hopefully it will be helpful to you. As for Sam, Dean, and Cas; you are here because these Shadowhunters play a major role in your lives because Dean marries Sophia in the future."

My eyes widen as does the person I'm assuming to be Dean. While Jace and Alec were grumbling about how as their sister I should not be dating, Clary watching them in amusement, Izzy squealing, and Sam and Cas shocked that Dean would marry someone in the future.

As we sat down, Izzy and Sam making sure me and Dean sat next to each other. We waited for the movie to begin.

 We waited for the movie to begin

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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