Taking a break

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as most of you know I took a break for a bit, it was kinda out of nowhere, but there was definitely reason behind my vanishing act

for one I am a high school student with extra curricular activities. I am also now a only child as all my siblings moved out so I have a lot of work on top of these books.

two I got really burnt out. I made Buried Revenge because of the lack of Dynamic trio books and I made Alliums of Heartbreak as a random fun book in the background eventually both of these books grew on me so much to the point where they where the only things I would think about and work on. They became such a big part to my life that they caused me to get burned out so quickly

why three months? I have no fucking idea. Honestly I wanted to come back to it for the new year and it just so happened to be tree months away

 did you ever feel like you would never come back to these? yes. Yes I definitely almost deleted both books and stopped completely, mostly because they are Wattpad books and Ao3 is the big thing(they will be added to Ao3 once they are done here(@the same as I have here)) I have one person to thank for the fact that I am actually exited to come back. My friend who goes by TooGayToBeReal on most socials<3

Where did the BeeDuo royal au go? HOLY SHIT YOU WHERE HERE FOR THAT?! Okay these are questions I am just putting here, most of you don't even know that I ever wrote a BeeDuo royal au. But yes that existed and yes its gone completely mostly because like a lot of people recently I stopped liking BeeDuo so I deleted the book and worked on one for my new favorite Duo AlliumDuo

Will the fandom oneshots come back as well? Yes they will, I just unpublished them so I can re post them once Buried Revenge and AoH are done.

How many chapters of each do you have done at the moment? at the moment I have 11 of each done out of 50 for BR and 39 for AoH

Can I ask a question that you didn't put here? of course! just ask it in the comments here and I will answer don't worry!

I hope this answers most of your questions about the break I took :D

see you one the 7th ;) 

Allium out!~

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