chapter 3 (unfinished)

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Make sure you read chapter 1 and 2

Chapter 3 trouble

No pov:

There's a knock on the door
Soviet and Britain look at each other
"You might want to hide" soviet says

"Ok" Britain replies running into the kitchen before hiding in a cupboard

Soviet goes and opens the door
To see America

"Why are you here"

"I just wanted to ask if you have seen any suspicious countries"

"No I haven't and why do you want to know"

"Well there's a gang of countries going around trying to kill some of the countries and we are trying to find them..
And two countries has gone missing"

"I will keep an eye out"

Soviet shuts the door
Britain walks over

"I can't believe that there is a like murder gang" soviet says
"Ther the reason I ended up in your house"Britain says
"What!"soviet says surprised
"Yea they stabbed me multiple times a-as you saw on my arms" Britain replies sounding scared
"Hay it will be ok I will protect you" soviet says reassuringly

This is unfinished

ideas And Sneak Peaks Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt