endless loop

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???'s pov:

It's been some where over 15 loops I still can't tell if anyone else is stuck in the loop with me I'm going to start Punching people as I have learned that loopers they don't respond unless you speak to them, so if I punch everyone I might find a non looper.

Fun fact every loop is 2 days and at the end of the second day the town I'm stuck in gets nuked the first time it was terrifying but the second time it was funny watching everyone running any way well everyone except Britain he just kept sitting out side a cafe just accepting his fate even the first time when even I was running for my life, is he one of the loopers or is he like me stuck here in this endless loop.

Also if you're wondering why I don't just leave the town there like some invisible wall stopping me from leaving the loopers have no trouble leaving the town
-Soviet out

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