A complicated reconstruction

Start from the beginning

3rd Person POV

"Stand back." a doctor shouts as he places the defibrillator on Carmen's chest. "Shock." A nurse activates the machine and then withdraws it, immediately the doctor begins CPR. The procedure is repeated twice before the heart monitor beeps again and the doctors resume their care while watching her carefully. Shadowsan and Gray sit in silence, watching Carmen. Eventually, the head doctor approaches them, and they hurriedly stand up.

"Well ?" Gray asks.

"She survived. She's a fighter, anyone would have died by now in her place given the wounds and scars on her body."

"How bad is it, Doctor ?" Shadowsan notices the nervousness of the man in front of him.

"It is still too early to tell. Her condition is weak, and it's obvious she hasn't been fed in a while. Other than the visible wounds, I can't say anything about her internal condition until we arrive."

"Can we go and see her ?" Graham asks, his eyes full of hope.

"Go ahead but don't move her or talk to her. She needs to rest."

Shadowsan nods and the two men approach. They sit on either side of the bed and Shadowsan takes her left hand in his. They remain in silence for a moment before Gray draws Shadowsan's attention to Carmen's right forearm, which was giving off a small green glow under the sheets. Making sure the doctor's back is turned, he pulls her arm out from underneath. They see the mark Bellum had carved months earlier. Disgusted, they put the sheet back in place. Gray runs his hand through Carmen's hair.

After several hours of flying, they finally arrive at ACME HQ and are greeted by Chief, looking sadly at the young thief. The doctors, followed by Gray and Shadowsan, rush to the medical wing. A second plane lands and the twins followed by Jules and Devineaux descend. Zack and Ivy rush into the building, looking for the one they see as an older sister. The two officers report to Chief on the progress of the operation, when the Faculty arrives in their turn, escorted by a dozen officers. Bad timing, Chef thought as Player rushed towards them. The young man had begged to come directly to Scotland, claiming that Carmen needed him. Finally, Shadowsan had managed to reach a compromise with him, letting him join them at ACME HQ. Knowing what the boy had come for, Jules handed him Bellum's tablet, which the young hacker hastily grabbed.

"Do you think you can get anything out of it, Player ?"

"Would you doubt my abilities Jules ?" This one smiled at him and as he was about to turn to Chief, he saw the Faculty watching him.

"So this is the brat who was helping our little Lambkins make our lives difficult."

"Shut up Brunt." He replies angrily.

"I doubt you can crack it and get into my system, boy." Bellum says with a smile and curiosity as to his answer.

"I already did it remotely when I was only 12, so this should be easy." Player smirks at them, far too proud to leave them speechless. He turns to the two officers and then Chief. "Where's Carmen ?"

Chief exchanges a look with the other two agents. Sighing, she steps forward and tries to find a tone that would be enough to convince the stubborn boy.

"The doctors took her in, but she's in no condition for visitors and..." Player starts to run towards the medical wing but Chief grabs his arm to hold him back. "You can't see her."

"And why ?" The adults fail to answer, not knowing what to say to him. "I understand... You think I'm too young to see her in the state they put her in." He points to the smiling Faculty, the officers unsure whether to put them in a cell or an interrogation room.

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