Owen was always giving off the vibes that he always liked Milan, even if he said it or he'd show it through body language, but the onyx haired girl would always hit him to brush it off, or tell him that she didn't reciprocate the same feelings. But tonight was different. Owen didn't say anything, he only pulled her bike closer to his, so why was she feeling so warm.

Milan couldn't help but stare into Owens baby blue eyes. They were so bright and clear, like looking into a pool of water on a sunny day. She felt her heart start to race as she gazed into them, and she wondered if she was held under a spell. On Owens part, he was a little taken aback by the intensity of beautiful girl in front of him.

He took a moment and studied every detail of her features. From her entrancing midnight blue eyes, to the curve of her plumped duo toned, pink lips and her brown skin that looked golden every time they rode under a streetlight. He saw something flicker in her eyes, but he couldn't quite figure out what it was.

For a moment, they just rode, letting their muscle memory take control, while they were caught in each other's gaze. It was like time had stopped and it was only them. Finally, Milan took a deep breath and looked away, breaking the spell and rapidly blinking her eyes.

"That was... intense," the boy spoke

Milan nodded, still feeling a little bit dazed. "Yeah.. yeah it was." Realizing her arm was still rapped around his, she quickly let go while clearing her throat.

Owen wondered if he should say something more, but he didn't know what to say, he never saw Milan stuck like that before. They just continued to ride in an awkward silence until they were finally in front of their destination. Milan and Owen dismounted their bikes outside of Milan's home and stood awkwardly at the gate.

Owen decided to break the silence. "Hey blue, you know you had your arm wrapped around me the whole ride here, right?" He teased with a grin.

"I don't know if you were trying to keep me warm or what," Milan sworn she could feel a vain pop in her head and she punched the same arm he was talking about.

"Shut up, you blonde haired bastard! You know I was trying to keep my balance and if I just happened to fall, best believe your narrow ass would've been right behind me." Milan growled. Owen groaned and rubbed his arm in pain.

"Anyways, thanks for riding with me home," said Milan, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, no problem." Replied Owen, still rubbing his arm. There was a moment of silence as they both stared at the ground.

"Well, I should probably get going," said Milan breaking the silence and grabbing ahold of her bike.

"Yeah, me too," said Owen, now looking at Milan.

They shuffled their feet uncomfortably for a few more seconds until Milan mustered up the courage to speak.

"Listen Owen...what happened on the way here.."

Owens heart skipped a beat as he looked down at Milan, afraid of what she was going to say, but he masked it with a poker face.

"I just wanted to say that it was really fun," the onyx haired girl continued. "I had a great time riding with you."

Owen gave a close eyed smile, relieved, "yeah me too," he replied. The poor blonde went to go in for a hug but Milan punched him his chest softly, but still hard. He groaned.

"Don't push it bud."

"Ow," he barley managed to get the word out. Milan turned around, bike still in her hand, pushed open the gate and headed up her door step. She got to her door, pulled out her key and unlocked it, but before she turned the knob, she turned around.

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