The Beginning...

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Dream's Pov:

"Dad, what do mean..." I said. 

"I said what i said and that is final" Dad said.

"You can't do the to my baby!" my mom said quickly walking in the room. 

She had been listening to the conversation from outside the door.  

"MOM!" I said running up to her. I was practically crying at this point. 

"You can not make my baby be a girl" mom said while raising her voice.

 "I can do what I want, now tell him to grow  up and deal with it."

 Dad said making his voice louder than my moms. 

Then my mom looked at me with worry.

 The I heard her say this in my ear "everything is going to be okay."

 After hearing that I hugged her and started controlling my breathing. 

after that I practically fainted from being to exhausted.

Next thing I knew my father told the maids to put only girl clothes. 

They also put things like shoes and purses. 

Because of the fact that they took away all of my old clothes, 

I was forced to wear dresses.  

At the age of 10, I started to wear a mask.

The mask had a smiley face on it. 

After that only a few people had seen my face in almost a year.

People at that point started forgetting what my face looked like. 

Everyone would think about why I wore a mask.

No one asked though they were thinking about it. 

One of the real reasons I wore a mask is 

because the mask had a indent in it.

It was not a normal indent though it was a voice.

A voice indent changed a persons voice. 

The mask made my voice sound more like a girls.

Though if I took off the mask I would sound normal again.

Plus then no one can see that my face looks like a boys face. 

The only one person that knew what I looked like behind the mask.

He was a prince of another part of my empire. 

There part of the Dsmp was the closest part to where I live. 

We would have play-dates and more sometimes and it was very fun.

 He did not care if I had to wear dresses or not.

 we would always train and fence with each other when no one was looking.

His name is Techno but I like to call him pock chop. (LOL) 

After I would call him porkchop, he would call me green Teletubby.

 He was scary at first but after some time we began to be friends. 

Sometimes he would help me choose my dress for the day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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