When Liang Wanqiu brought the ointment over, Bo Yanyan put down the can of Coke in her hand, and she stretched out her right hand. As soon as Liang Wanqiu touched her wrist, she trembled: "Sister, it hurts, your hand hurts so much!" "

    She showed Liang Wanqiu the red dots on her palm: "Sister, give me some medicine, maybe it won't hurt so much." If

    you don't take the medicine again, the little red dots will disappear, and the skin color will return to normal up.

    Liang Wanqiu asked her to straighten her hands, and she squeezed a circle of white ointment on Bo Yanyan's palm, the ointment was cold and had a refreshing taste.

    Liang Wanqiu gently spread out the ointment with one finger, and then applied a layer on Bo Yanyan's five fingers.

    Although she can take care of people, she can't comfort people, and she's not good at it, so she always feels awkward.

    Liang Wanqiu's family education since she was a child is that if she likes someone, she will treat her well, and she can show it in actions, but she can't say it with her mouth.

    I don't dare to say it, I feel embarrassed.

    When she was studying at school, the teachers also treated them with the same education. Expressing emotions is very reserved, and actions are important.

    Besides, when she was in elementary school, it was not popular to say I love you to her parents. She expressed her love for them, helped her parents with work, and saved her pocket money to buy them gifts, but she never said I love you.

    Until now, Liang Wanqiu has said very little.

    The same is true of her classmates, who are not good at expressing themselves.

    When I was in high school, one Mother's Day, my classmates were talking about it, and many of them called their mothers.

    A girl yelled at the mother over there: "Mom, I love you."

    The woman on the other end said: "Baby, Mom loves you too."

    Liang Wanqiu still remembers this sentence, which shocked her for a long time After a long time, she found that there were so many girls in the class, except for the girl who said Mom, I love you, the other girls, including her, all said, Mom, Happy Mother's Day.

    No one says I love you mom, I love mom in my heart, but I can't say it out loud.

    Every Mother's Day later, Liang Wanqiu did not say this sentence.

    Even when she was chatting with her mother on WeChat, she could type it out, but she never said it.

    She looked at Bo Yanyan's little hand that was applying the ointment, and raised her eyelids again, and she still didn't say the sentence I'll blow it to you, but she still didn't say it, she always felt so nauseous.

    Bo Yanyan sniffed, her small face was wrinkled, after Liang Wanqiu put down her hand, she put away the ointment and put it back in the medicine box.

    She followed, holding out her hand pitifully.

    Liang Wanqiu put the medicine box back to its original place, she turned her head and saw the little girl standing behind her who was about to cry.

    "Does it still hurt?" She asked, "I'll take you to the hospital."

    "It hurts." Bo Yanyan touched the palm of her right hand with her left finger: "It hurts, I need my sister to heal?"

The abuse heroine secretly kissed me againOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora