two went upstairs.

    Liang Wanqiu turned on the light in her bedroom, and when she looked back, Bo Yanyan was standing at the door holding a water glass in both hands. Most of her face was buried in the mouth of the glass, and she could only see the steaming white mist.

    The little girl's body shook occasionally, apparently from the cold.

    "You haven't slept yet?" Liang Wanqiu asked, she turned on the air conditioner in the room, then went to find pajamas in the closet, and said, "Come in, close the door." Taking

    out a set of winter pajamas, Liang Wanqiu put On the bed, I went to the bathroom to look again, but there was nothing in it.

    There were unused towels in the closet, and other toiletries in the suitcase. Liang Wanqiu let Bo Yanyan sit on the chair in her bedroom. She went downstairs and carried the suitcase up.

    When she was looking for something, Bo Yanyan sat aside and drank boiled water in small sips.

    Liang Wanqiu was a little amused: "The water is finished, it's time to go to your room to sleep."

    Bo Yanyan quickly raised her head, she glanced at Liang Wanqiu, then lowered her head to look at the empty water glass.

    "What's wrong?" Liang Wanqiu asked curiously.

    "It's cold in my room. I'm not used to the air conditioner, so I didn't turn it on." Bo Yanyan said aggrievedly, "I haven't slept well these few nights. I always wake up from the cold, so I shiver under the blanket like this."

    She turned her body slightly, made a crouching posture, and looked at Liang Wanqiu pitifully: "Sister, Yangcheng is so cold."

    Whether Yangcheng is cold or wet, the emperor is always dry and cold. If it is cold, Yangcheng must be cold. No emperor is cold, but emperors have heating, Yangcheng does not.

    People who are used to staying in the heating system can't stand the wet and cold weather in the south.

    Liang Wanqiu thought of the online saying that southerners are more frost-resistant than northerners, because she is used to the cold, and she doesn't like to use the air conditioner. In winter, every time I turn on the hot air conditioner, I get a cold. She is afraid of thin smoke, so she turns it on.

    Liang Wanqiu went over and turned off the air conditioner.

    Before entering the bathroom, Liang Wanqiu went over and touched Bo Yanyan's hand, it was cold, and looked at the clothes she was wearing, Liang Wanqiu took the down jacket she had just taken off and put it on Bo Yanyan's body.

    "Let's soak your feet. I'll get you a basin."

    She went outside, and soon found the basin she used to soak her feet in the utility room. Liang Wanqiu went to the bathroom to get a basin of hot water, and brought it to the bathroom. Beside Bo Yanyan, she put the basin on the ground and said, "It's about five or six minutes to soak. After you finish soaking, go to bed and lie down. Don't pour water. I'll pour it."

    She pointed to the right one. The big bed is two meters wide. Mama Liang has made the bed for her in advance. It looks soft and warm, and there are several layers of soft bedding underneath. The quilt cover is a small floral style and is also very soft.

    Bo Yanyan nodded obediently.

    Liang Wanqiu gave her a clean towel to wipe her feet, then she didn't bother, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

    After washing, she was steaming from top to bottom, her delicate little face was flushed, even though she was only wearing a set of pajamas, she didn't feel cold.

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