Lin Su doesn't like to go out. During her break time, she only reads scripts and reads books. Liang Wanqiu, who studied computer in college, doesn't know much about computers, but she guesses that if Lin Su doesn't enter the entertainment industry, she should be a programmer. Be able to become a bigwig in the Internet.

    Before coming, Liang Wanqiu greeted Lin Su. Lin Su didn't close the door. There was still someone in her room. It was a cameraman from the film crew. He said that the computer was broken, so he hugged Lin Su to help fix the computer.

    Liang Wanqiu put down the bag, sat on the sofa and played with her mobile phone. After waiting for a few minutes, the photographer happily left with the computer in his arms.

    Lin Su went to wash her hands and sat opposite Liang Wanqiu.

    "Have you really forgotten what you learned in high school?" Liang Wanqiu insisted, "Can't remember anything?"

    Lin Su glanced at her: "Your sister is the first in grade, I don't think she needs someone to teach her."

    Liang Wanqiu muttered: "Who would think that I have too many college entrance examination scores?" She thought that Bo Yanyan would do well in the college entrance examination. It would be even better if she could go to the best university in China. If she wants to study abroad in the future, Liang Wanqiu is also willing. for her.

    Lin Su frowned. She asked about Liang Wanqiu's younger sister. Liang Wanqiu said that she was not related by blood, but she was her sister. She liked Bo Yanyan, so she took Bo Yanyan as her younger sister. Well, my own sister may not necessarily be able to do this.

    "Why are you treating her so well?" Lin Su raised her eyebrows, "Just don't want anything in return?"

    Liang Wanqiu looked up at the luxuriously decorated ceiling above her head, and after a long while, she said, "Actually, I have my own plans. I'm unmarried, so are you."

    Lin Su nodded her head, she had an impossible person in her heart, and the possibility of her being with Luo Qingli was very small.

    There are people who have liked for many years, if they are with others, it is unfair to that person, but if they are together without love, she will get tired of that person's breathing.

    As for marriage? She can only get married with a man. Lin Su doesn't know what a man is good for. If they can do it, she can do it, and if they can't do it, she can do it too.

    Formal marriage is even more impossible, who knows who that man is in private, in case of murder, even if the man doesn't have this idea, but after marriage, the property is the joint property of husband and wife, and all the money she earns in the future will be divided Give half to a man she doesn't love.

    Whether it's out of emotional considerations, money considerations, or life safety, it is impossible for Lin Su to get married.

    Liang Wanqiu's tone was a bit ethereal: "I plan to take Xiaotao home for the New Year this year. If I don't get married, my parents will have a hard time. Xiaotao's parents may have passed away. I talked about her with my mother, and my mother also likes her very much. , Said that she would like to treat Xiaotao as a daughter."

    "Originally, I planned to adopt a daughter in the future, so I have a concern when I get old, but I watched the news a while ago, and the news made me feel psychologically shadowed, so I thought, why not Be nice to Xiaotao, and treat Xiaotao's children well in the future. When I get old, I will give my property to her children. Xiaotao is so good, and the children I educate will not be bad."

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